Category Topics

Official News

Just as it says on the tin, this is the category for Official News!

Game Discussion

Here is your place to chat all things Puzzle Quest 3!

Kingdoms: Recruiting and Discussion

Want to find people to join your on your quest? Well, recruit away!

Community Content

This category is to highlight any content created by community members that isn’t specifically a guide, things like:


This category is for all our streamers! If you’re currently streaming Puzzle Quest 3, or are interested in doing so, please make use of this category.


A category for devs to move closed reports to when they are found to not be a bug.

Bug Reports

To report a bug or game glitch in Puzzle Quest 3 please use this forum category. Create a new topic and fill in the template or copy + paste it from below. If you require help with a technical issue (see below for the difference between a bug and a technical issue) or are missing rewards you can contact support using this link.

Game Feedback & Ideas

This category is for all game feedback for Puzzle Quest 3. Thought something was particularly cool? Think something could be improved? Have a new idea? This is the place.

Site Feedback

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.


Off Topic Chat

For anything and everything (within reason and without violating community guidelines) not related to Puzzle Quest 3.

Early Access Archive

All discussions relating to game versions prior to the official Puzzle Quest 3 official Launch version.