1.5.5 Kingdom Changes

I forgot to say, I completely agree with this. Well said. It’s especially glaring when you add up the costs of all the passes and think about what you could get for that in another game.


One thing that I’ve always wanted is the chance to practice against the KD dragons. Is it possible to give everyone unlimited attacks after the dragon dies (but only the first 3 counts toward reward), so we can adjust our strategies and make tests more easily? I think it would be helpful to us even without any reward.


A practice mode for KD sounds like a great idea to me!

If your idea of the unlimited attacks (but only the first three count) is unworkable, maybe there could be a completely separate training mode? Something that runs all of the time in overkill mode, with no rewards at all. Another way to go that would not require adding buttons to the interface would be to have the KD run for it’s 18 hours, and then pop a training dummy version for the 4 hour waiting period until the next cycle?


I was actually looking forward to the KD rework and had passed this euphoria on to our community when it was said that with Overkill Mode all players would have a chance at Silver and Gold rewards; I think this planned implementation, like so many others, failed and rigorously so.

We are currently playing between Tier 9 and 13 and yet not everyone is able to earn rewards, even with the use of the Spirit Shield. I seriously wonder what is so hard about a very simple implementation.

In each adventure you can choose between 5 different difficulties. Why wasn’t this simply applied to KD as well? Then it would have been easy to adjust the silver and gold values to be achieved, in addition to the chances of the possible rewards, and far more, if not all, players would have been able to achieve rewards.

Sure, the cumulative damage wouldn’t be (as) high at lower ratings, but end-game players could easily compensate for that and additionally defeat the dragon for additional rewards.