December Community Update

@WarlockPrime The logic is fundamentally wrong here. The DLC items don’t provide additional power bonuses - they provide DIFFERENT bonuses. If anything, they provide LESS since they don’t currently contribute to a set bonus. Furthermore, you say that all content in the game should be available for all our players. Are you serious about this? There’s no way F2P players have a serious chance at getting all the Dragon King items. I’ve purchased every season and spent thousands upon thousands of seasonal currency, and I still can’t get the items. So yeah, the logic for this decision is as meaty as a feather.

I purchased the DLC expecting the functionality included in the item description. However, you can’t sell me a laptop and expect me to be happy when you deliver a TV. Yeah, TVs are great… But I bought a laptop. In the case of the DLC, you only delivered half the functionality. I actually really like the items (Flame Ring), but I still expect the rest of the functionality. If you won’t deliver what was advertised, then I expect compensation for the functionality you did not deliver.

So, how will you compensate us for the advertised functionality you have chosen to not deliver?