September Event Schedule

Hello Adventurers,

The spooky season is almost upon us. We’re looking forward to some of the content that is planned for the holiday season from October onwards but in the meantime, here is a look at September!

  • Unicornucopia: 29th Aug - 2nd Sep
  • Wizard’s Circle: 1st Sep - 2nd
  • Gong’s Sushi Suprise ⟳: 3rd - 5th
  • Adventure Calling: 6th - 11th
  • Dreamhold Expedition ⟳: 11th - 14th
  • Rune Hunters ⟳: 14th - 17th
  • Borderlands Bash ⟳: 18th - 21st
  • Return to Ragnar: 20th - 24th
  • The Coin Collector ⟳: 24th - 27th
  • Wizard’s Circle: 28th - 29th
  • Khazdhuli Expedition ⟳: 29th Sep - 3rd Oct
  • To Your Doom: 30th Sept - 3rd Oct

⟳ replayable Adventure

There will be one replayable Adventure scheduled each week!

  • Season 3.2 The Dark Court, Chapter 3: 3rd Sept
    • Hard: 17th
    • Elite: 24th

  • Feast of the Forgemasters: 19th Aug - 2nd Sep

  • Harvest Festival: 16th Sept - 22nd Sept

    • This is not like the Feast of the Forgemasters or the Summer Festival, this is currently scheduled as a 7 day advent, with login rewards and tasks to complete.

  • Public Holiday: 27th Sept

@Jeto I don’t know if you can answer this, but I’m curious if you know and are allowed to share, what kind of changes by making Gong’s Sushi Surprise and the Expeditions replayable are we likely to see? I’m kind of expecting Gong’s to revert to how it originally was. A small amount of gems at the end each time that can add up as opposed to the huge 1000 gems we have now. Any ideas on how its going to work going forward?

Rewards within the now replayable adventures are unchanged.

Gong’s Sushi Surprise completion reward now matches The Coin Collector, so it’s consistent with the repeatable adventures.

Whereas the now replayable Expeditions adventures are the same, they are just now replayable.


And is Gong’s still unlimited movement?

No sorry, I was just running through the rewards - Gong’s Sushi Surprise now has 4 daily energy


@Jeto That’s actually not bad, since the gem reward at the end pays for the extra movement and you still make a small profit. If you farm it alot on ultimate (maybe master) you should make the 1000 gems you would have got normally anyway and it still keeps the main point of the adventure, the food and therefore unlimited farming. I’ll give more feedback after I’ve gotten some hands on it this time around.


This is really exciting news! One of the most loved adventures was Gong’s Sushi Surprise because it allowed getting lot’s of food. Making it into a replayable adventure together with the expeditions is surely a great step towards making adventures great again after the “reset” removal. I am getting excited again about adventures, I hope they live up to my expectations. Thank you very much for your hard work on making the game as enjoyable as possible!


And just to avoid the same issue of the last time: giving 4 energy daily is not enough, remember to add the energy cost to each battle. The last time this adventure was made replayable it also gave 4 energy, but the issue was that the battles costed no energy so in the end it could be replayed without having to purchase extra eneryg and had to be taken down after the first day. I hope this time everything works properly so that we can enjoy it to the fullest :blush:

If gongs song is not purchasable on his own adventure that would also be criminal, I haven’t seen it once yet since they wrecked adventures so hopefully they dont let everyone down :frowning: can you Confirm if this would come with gong song booster available for purchase? @Jeto

Gong’s Song was not on Gong’s Sushi Surprise before, so I doubt it will be added now. But who knows? You certainly don’t need it for Sushi, but it benefits the devs more than it does the players tbh, so I see no reason really why it couldn’t be added?

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Wasn’t there before because it essentially came with it before the energy wouldnt be used but they have Confirmed now it will be 4 energy per day again and not continuous like before.

Just off they change the swap mechanic and I haven’t seen seen gong song as a booster even once since

Its 4 energy, but its still continuous. Just like Coin Collector, you pay for extra movement and then when you complete it you get your gems back on the higher difficulties, 120 gems on ultimate and you play it again, as many times as you want.

Sing sang song sunggg…Gong in gong songgg is sooooo much fuun!

(Gong Song is available in Gong’s Sushi Surprise!!!)


I saw the Gong Song unlimited energy. Did anyone buy this and does it replay or go away?

Replays, doesn’t go away.

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Regarding to the adventures, right now there is something I have to say… Thank you!

I really appreciate how fast you addressed our concerns when the “reset” feature was removed and we feared losing one of our main sources of joy in this game. You didn’t hesitate to quickly change your plans and not only add replayable adventures more often to the schedule but also convert former not replayable adventures into replayable ones. Gong’s sushi surprise, for example, was a widely loved adventure that would have “died” without the “reset” mechaninc, but making it into a replayable one has made it possible for us to keep enjoying and loving it.

The loss of the “reset” feature was a heavy blow, but your response to it has been fast and great. If it keeps like this I believe we will end up in a better scenario than before, still able to enjoy farming adventures but this time in a “official” way. So I encourage you to keep up with the great work and to keep surprising us as much as Gong’s sushi does :slightly_smiling_face: (but please never tell us what ingredients it has, we are happy to enjoy his food without knowing it :yum:)

Thank you for your hard work! :blush:


Just to reiterate what Higure stated, making Sushi Surprise replayable and with Gong Song made it my favourite adventure yet.

I also found it much less stressful without having to worry about whether you’ve swapped your hero or not. If this is the way forward then I think the devs might just have redeemed themselves.


Now i have to and look for Gong’s Song Sushi Surprise. Thanks guys!