- Bravo on the speed up animations option.
This was not something I cared much about, personally. Other people really wanted it. It didn’t seem like it was going to be possible. But you pulled it off. Nice work there.
- I like the new goals/achievements much better than the old ones.
Maybe not from a progression standpoint (more on that later), but just the goals themselves and the way they are organized and presented, feel like an improvement.
- The addition of a somewhat proper filter for minions on the chest screen is a plus.
It’s not perfect. It is however, an improvement over no ability to sort. So yay!
- Putting the map feel back into the story mode is a positive.
The animated dialogue is cute. Needed? No. Cute, yes. The map part is welcome return, however. It’s just a more PQ feel.
Tweaks to eveline and the shop seem like a plus.
The spirit of the balance changes are a positive
What I mean is that automatically winning everything, isn’t really all that much more fun than always losing. So tackling things like looping and zero turn now is actually going to be good for the game in the long run. The specifics of the implementation are not amazing. But that is for the next section…
- Inventory space… still.
How can we even begin to figure things out when we are maxed on inventory and can’t try anything new? Seriously, this needs to get dealt with about 6 mos ago. It’s absolutely, ridiculous at this point. The good news is that this is the only “WTF is wrong with you people?!?!” category. Still. STILL! After a year. STILL! lol
- Scarcity of upgrade materials and randomness of acquiring them.
It has gotten better. So this is not a wtf issue for me. It’s still not amazing. Keep tweaking. I think a simple place to start would be to take the random out of real money (aka crown) purchases. More tweaking is necessary, but I think shop would attract more whale traffic without the randomness.
- The ham fisted attempts at balance.
I absolutely understand the need for nerfs. I also see the benefits to long term game health. Totally. But each patch in EA would just change everything at once with zero thought to what else was changed in the same patch and what was changed before. And this one is the grandaddy of those patches.
I realize that a lot of .39 and 1 were designed to slow our (EA players) roll. At the same time, you guys have to slow yours. Each change that was made has merit and is not terrible, individually. As I said above, winning everything is about as boring as losing everything. But, for the love of Dog, please start doing the math of these cumulative nerfs.
Just one example… barrier. You cut barrier from 100% mitigation to 50% . I think that’s actually not a terrible idea. Might need to dig into the specifics of things like terror, etc. But barrier loop was a thing and ultimately probably not the best thing for the game, long haul. However, adding on to that, sledge hammer nerfs to proc rates? What are you doing here? Maybe go 75% on the barrier and smaller hammer to the procs?
Again, its not a WTF. Just put down the chainsaw here and there and consider a scalpel. (Repeat this entire part with the spell nerfs. Something needed to be done. Not EVERYTHING needed to be done. Calm down?)
- Progression via citadel and goals
Meh. Probably my least negative, negative. The experience nerf is profound for those of us over 100 citadel. At the same time, I feel an experience nerf sorta helps newbies. So I’m torn on that.
Overall, I’m still determined to be optimistic long term. The ideas are still good. Covid stalled development. Release had to happen. Nerfs had to happen to make release not a runaway for EA players. Right now you still have my support. (BUT Cheese and rice… INVENTORY!!!)