An amazing record breaking season for Gem Raiders on Playstation

This was an absolutely fantastic season for us here in Gem Raiders as we had a huge lineup of replayable adventures that had some great resources to farm.
A big thanks to @Jeto and the dev team for the great selection of adventures to farm.

This is a record for us and playstation on crests for a season.
I was just wondering what the record on all platforms is?
A big thanks to our kingdom members for such great motivation and dedication to making us the most active kingdom on playstation.
Shoutouts to @Swivel, @Taf420, @Kushcloudz1clips, @Floki, @Magian, @tribblefluff, @DR-T-BOY, @mucke124 and the rest of the crew. Sorry if i missed anyone.
Much love and respect :heart:


Congratulations on the new record!!! Reaching the seasonal milion crests is always a great achievement :tada:

If you had asked this beforehand I could have taken a screenshot to show. If I remember correctly, it should have been around 1.4-1.5 milion crests, so you still have some work to do if you want to break the season record across all platforms :wink:


Thanks to you @Santandrix for keeping the Kingdom in check and for always keeping it in tip-top condition.

Nobody has worked harder than yourself for making it the best place to be on Playstation. :+1:t2: