Early Access to Official Launch Preparations


Update is rolling out, but is not forced yet.

This missing element to this situation is about to be revealed. Whether that element was worth the trade off is going to be highly debated, but it is considered to be a non-negotiable matter.

The biggest thing that was missing was any mention whatsoever of the change to XP as if you can reduce something by 75% and then just not talk about it. Why not just simply say in the Update Patch notes that they evaluated level growth through both Level 50 and Citadel Levels and determined that it was too rapid given what they have planned.

Most folks are ok with EA changes. I just don’t understand why they again and again and again choose not to actually disclose any of this stuff. It’s actually quite immature and unprofessional on their part.

There was no meaningful update for almost 3 months but somehow they couldn’t find the time to provide details on the numerous changes that they had accumulated just prior to launch?


Yep - communication is not their strong suit

The change (massive reduction in XP) is not that big an issue in of itself

one counterpoint though: given estimated play times of game modes (post-update), it takes nearly 30-40 hours of game play under the new xp system to gain 1 citadel level at around Citadel level 150. That’s a pretty steep hill lol

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Steam version has been released early to the public.

DLC packs available for sale tomorrow, some of which include unique gear and platform unique pets. Pricing unknown until tomorrow morning.



Totally 100%

I guess I was just trying to understand the “soft wipe at launch” comments contrasted with Kafta’s “it’s the same for everyone” position

not a fan /20character

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Interesting, I wonder what value it provides and what the gear items are like

It does make me think they learned less from GoW than I thought
Why not word the “Steam Exclusive gear” is a more broader way that would allow you to have it in game rotation later or sell it down the track to collectors?
“exclusive to Steam for at least 12 months” would cover it

Have to admit… at a cursory glance, those items are fairly solid. Personally liking that Haste ring and perhaps Eveline’s Locket.

Haste is really strong for new players, makes a huge difference.

Yup. I equip a Firewalker’s Boots for the low chance at a 1-turn haste outside of any set bonus, Haste is that good.

Guaranteed Haste for multiple turns on a reliable activation condition? Yes, please. Question is whether or not the price is right on the DLC or not.

I agree with this. Hopefully that is the case. I really hate platform exclusive items.

The launch day DLC packs were pulled from the Steam store. No ETA on new release date or price.

But… the more I think about these gear pieces… what use would they ultimately be in the long run if they are the wrong color for a given hero class? I would presume that the element color of these items are randomly generated when purchased.

But that’s a non-starter for everyone that’s not a complete newbie. I can understand the risk of wrong element colors and bad attribute rolls on free items obtained in game. But, for paid premium items? The bar for acceptability is much higher. I would expect at the minimum to be allowed to ensure that these items are an acceptable color for the purchaser. But, what also about attributes? Should bad attribute rolls be acceptable on premium gear? What if I get to choose a Green color for these items as a Shaman main, but then gear rolls attributes such as Icestrike and Darkward? That’s almost equally as bad.

There’s just too much risk here of ending up with a trash item while paying potentially significant amounts of money for said items.

Hype totally killed for these gear pieces.

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I would agree and also make the case that applies to any item bought with crowns such as the offers in the store.

Initially they would give a good boost to a new player even off-colour and with poor bonuses. But for someone that is targeting a particular build getting a rainbow item that is headed straight for salvage is a deterrent to spending money on the game.

It’s one thing to spend $5 or whatever amount to get something you think is good, than merely a roll of the dice to get junk.

wow just tried 100 with my new build, 10k+ melee even with barrier block is bad no stun no mana gen I think they stealth nerfed it as well 100 they may not want 100 to be farmable but now it is all but impossible cant stun cant block cant absorb with barrier if you can gen it. I at least want a chance to beat it for when 100 challenge comes up. at this point game may be dead to me.

Kafka, game has lost all chance of any money from me. I was going to re up my VIP and buy some crowns to celebrate the launch. Early access was better than this crap launch, all my time all my gear all my work useless. GL keeping players or getting new ones to stay if this is what your devs can come up with. Not to mention the LIE of listening to the early access players, based on the evidence I have seen from my experience and what the long time players have said, none of what we have said has been addressed or changed or barley responded to if at all. I’ll stick around for a little while to see how the post launch things evolve but I dont have much hope based on the companies actions so far.


Following on my previous post,

The Steam exclusive gear bundles have been released.

Founder’s Pack (Locket + Shield + 1 month VIP + 500 Gems) is $30 USD.
Golden Flame Pack (Ring + Grasp) is $20 USD.
Exclusive Pegasio Pet is $10 USD.
Resource Pack (10 Lesser Relics, 5 Greater Relics, 1 Major Relic) for $50 USD.

Thanks for the update
Is that pricing before or after the 99% discount?

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