January Event Schedule

Yes, the schedule is intentional - but I can pass on feedback so in future replayable Adventures remain spread out across the week.

In this instance, I believe those are running as the rewards and content is thematic to the holiday events (I could be wrong).


Yeah, you complained about having too many options to play. Get real. As usual Gem Raiders players followed suit. Smdh. Complaining about having too many options to play is hilarious.:rofl:

I won’t sit here and argue with you as the forums doesn’t need that toxic behavior.
Have a good one.

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I appreciate the condescension from such an intelligent source.

And that’s where this thread is gonna be closed, if this continues.

Either back on topic, and sharing constructive feedback or it’s done.

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Most players appreciate having options and the ability to increase resources and strength through multiple adventures at the same time. It would not benefit newer players to space out adventures as is being suggested by others in this thread. Giving people an opportunity to gain strength with multiple adventures helps the game grow and players improve. We should all be able to come together for the future of this game if we enjoy playing it.


I think people are missing the big picture here. I get why people are upset at 2 great adventures at the same time. But try to remember that the adventure schedule has been stacked lately. I’m ok with good adventures running at the same time if the schedule remains stacked. It allows the devs to cram in more good adventures. To play devil’s advocate here if the devs listen to the community’s advice, that could result in a thinner schedule and less good adventures. What if the dev team said yeah you’re right and just removed Khazduli adventure from the January schedule? Be careful what you wish for, I have no problem getting multiple good options if it helps with the rotation.


No fighting on the forums people. Devs don’t like it, you won’t impress them by doing it and it will only result in the discussion being closed. Keep it civil.


I don’t see the problem, it’s rather simple.

If you run two major replayable adventures simultaneously then you get less of a chance to farm both as you can only farm one adventure at a time.

If you run them consecutively i.e Coin Collector then Khazduli, you get the opportunity to farm more of each.

It’s not rocket science but then there’s nowt common about sense.


I don’t disagree, but as we get more and more adventures. They either have to overlap them or not run them every month. And even though your idea makes practical sense, its also advocating that they run more of the adventures that people don’t care about.


Why not be able to choose which adventure to farm more? Also the big picture. If adventures overlap more and more often that means they will come back in less time. This means more good adventures. Ideally, we may not even need to farm as hard when adventures come back in less time, and thus our resources would be less depleted. By spacing adventures out consecutively we would be limiting our potential resources. We farm to get more resources. So let’s all get more and give more people the option to farm what they want or need. Choice is good here.


How? In what possible way would my suggestion of running Coin Collector and Khazduli consecutively be advocating that?

Where has the suggestion of it resulting in running adventures that people don’t care about appeared anywhere in this thread and why would it?

Your comment doesn’t make any sense. :thinking:

We had repeatable adventures running consecutively throughout December. Did that cause a problem?

Swivel, so why is it a problem if they run concurrently and more often? You will get the adventure you want in less time than you do now. You won’t lose out on resources, but you and everybody who plays will have more access to resources. This will grow the game. Spreading out adventures that people love to get resources from discourages players.

Imagine if you could play any adventure any time or you can only play one adventure one week at a time. 99% of players want to be able to choose their resources more often, not less often.

Let’s advocate for growth in this game. Multiple repeatable adventures promotes growth and attracts players who aren’t sure if they will continue to play. The game can’t be just us. We need more players in the game.

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More adventures more often may be the positive change this game needs. In case somebody didn’t notice, the game is down two devs this month. That is not normally a sign of growth. More availability of resources promotes growth which this game needs, and we need if we want to talk about this game in this forum. Let’s promote growth please.

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No, all I mean is the devs want to run all the adventures, and like Jeto said they sometimes run adventures to fit the theme of what’s happening. If they are not allowed to double up, it forces them to run more of the adventures we don’t care about as much, that’s all I’m saying. I don’t see really being an issue if the month is stacked.

Won’t let me edit for some reason. I do agree with you that ideally you want to run replayables with non-replayables running at the same time. Instead of multiple replayables at once. Unless you’re doing it as a test to see what people like the most.strong text

Why would two repeatable adventures consecutively be bad for anybody? The more repeatable adventures available the better. Give players more opportunities to achieve the resources they want at that time.

More resources more often means more players continuing to play.

Limit the resources, evolving and upgrading takes longer, and players lose interest or become frustrated.

Do we want more or less players in the game? We should all want more so the game continues to exist.

They just don’t want it to be a trend. It feels like you’re missing out when it happens. But that’s assuming it would ever happen at all if the adventures didn’t happen at the same time. Keep in mind in the past, some of the best adventures have only cycled back every two months. This way helps it ensure that it could be more like monthly, but I get what people are complaining about.

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So i was expexting coin collector to start with the refresh, now 29th, was i mistaken,

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It start tomorrow night 29th at 4 pm pacific

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