January Event Schedule

Because I will be on holiday leave the day before this post goes live, you get this extra-extra early

Hello Adventurers,

Happy (almost) New Year!

Be sure to check in on the Merchant (at the top of the screen) as there will be a free New Year’s gift to claim!

Tell your Kingdom members and friends, so they don’t miss it.

Don’t forget, our studio is closed between Christmas and New Year, so we will be back in January.
Full details can be found in our Studio Holiday Dates blog, here.

All Events listed are TBC at the time of writing this blog & subject to change.

  • The Saviors Footsteps: 31th Dec - 5th Jan
  • Gong’s Sushi Surprise ⟳: 2nd Jan - 4th Jan
  • Flametree Expedition ⟳: 5th - 10th
  • Dreamhold Expedition ⟳: 11th - 14th
  • Dragonking’s Prize: 10th - 16th
  • Farm Girls Day Out ⟳: 16th - 19th
  • Unicornucopia: 17th - 21st
  • Borderlands Bash ⟳: 22nd - 25th
  • The Heat Is On: 23rd - 26th
  • In The Summertime: 25th - 29th
  • The Coin Collector ⟳: 29th - 1st
  • Khazduli Expedition ⟳: 31st - 4th

⟳ replayable Adventure

Currently expected release dates (AEDT)

  • Season 3.4, Chapter 3: 7th Jan
  • Hard: 21st
  • Elite: 28th

The Winter Solstice Festival continues through the New Year celebrations!

Winter Solstice Festival

17th Dec - 5th Jan
Can no longer earn Festival Florins

Shop Closes on the 6th

7-Day Login & Task Events

New Year: 28th Dec - 3rd Jan

  • Cast 20 Spells
  • Win 10 Adventure Battles
  • Win 10 Versus Battles
  • Cast 50 Spells
  • Deal 500k damage in Kingdom Defense

Southern Summer Celebration
22nd Jan - 28th Jan

Lunar New Year
29th Jan - 3rd Feb

27th of Jan


Are the double coins archives just not a thing anymore?


They are not a constant event, no - we run them during special holidays or sometimes in the past as compensation for other issues


To add to what Jeto said, they’re on our mind(s)!

You’ll likely see at least one Open Archive + Double Ancient Coins during the Southern Summer Celebration→Valentine’s Day period. Keep your eyes peeled!


Starting this week! :sun_with_face:

We will also have an open Archive event running alongside the Southern Summer Celebration and Lunar New Year

1.5 Dragons of Light 22nd Jan - 3rd Feb


Just a reminder that we have long weekend here in Australia.

I will be back on the 29th, as I am taking an extra day for my birthday - but @Mother_Morgz will be about, and the rest of the team should any critical issues occur.


I know it’s a holiday today, just wondering - in the adventure tab, coin collector doesn’t show up. Anyone else experiencing the same? Did we have this happening before, that the adventure of tomorrow would not show up, but come active on the planned day?

And yeah, as everyone, looking forward to the febjuary event schedule :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I asked the same question to my kingdom, im on playstation and no timer yet for coin collector, im hoping it starts in 10 hours time at reset


Yeah, this happens from time to time.

Although the Coin Collector was listed as planned for January in the OP, it currently is not in the server file schedule of planned events. Should be easy for Morgz to direct the right team staff member to fix when the staff arrives in the office before daily reset.

@Mother_Morgz could we get the above addressed please? :pray:t2:

Happy Birthday Jeto. May you have a wonderful day that extends into a wonderful year.


Hi folks,

Coin Collector is actually due to start tomorrow for the first day of Lunar New Year.
I’ve corrected the schedule above!
I also added Khazduli Expedition to the schedule since that was put in after Jeto made the schedule above, and updated the date for the LNY Calendar.


Two major replayables running side by side? Is that an error?

It might’ve been better to run a non-replayable alongside Coin Collector and run Khazduli afterwards.

The toss up between farming coins or gems is a tough one. :thinking:


Deffo not a fan of 2 replayable adventures running at same time,1 day of them overlapping is silly but this is 2 days, poor planning from the dev team,


:-1::-1: is this even supposed to play out like this?
It’s not too late to fix this i hope.


I agree that replayable adventures overlapping a couple of days is not ideal, particularly knowing that we do have a lot of times when no replayable adventure is running. It always feels better to get replayable adventures spread out instead of clumped together. However, I prefer this to having only coin collector, or having a low value adventure instead of Khazdhuli expedition. I still remember the times when we had to wait days, weeks or even months to get an adventure, or when they weren’t as valuable as nowadays. So I won’t be the one complaining (too much) about getting 2 great adventures at the same time :yum:


I wouldn’t mind if the devs removed the Handshake Error. I’d run both adventures on two different consoles. :laughing:


Two important replayable adventures … needs to be fixed asap…

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I have never heard so many other high level players cry about having too much to farm before. You have two great options. Pick one or switch. Two adventures overlapping or running consistently should not be this overwhelming. Find something worthy to complain about besides OPPORTUNITIES.


Typical response from you… I guess you don’t know the value of these adventures, and we’re not complaininb… we’re stating facts.

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