The amount of damage done to an enemy or mana gained by player or enemy sometimes is not shown during battle. I haven’t done comprehensive testing but it always seems to work correctly for the first enemy then normally doesn’t work for the second enemy but sometimes does. Then may or may not work for the 3rd etc enemy. It does seem to sometimes change between working and not when you start a new enemy but I have definitely seen a first hit not show any numbers and then a second hit show numbers, also vice versa.
Go go screenshots!
In this one you can see the numbers being added to the manna for me and the enemy
In this one you can see the numbers of damage being done to the enemy
In this one you can see the swirl of manna being added but no exact numbers of the amount of manna being added.
In this one I have done damage to the enemy but no damage numbers shown
FYI there are no numbers shown anywhere else numbers are meant to be shown too. e.g. positive affects on player.