Server Push 10th May 2022 - Small Fixes and Improvements

Back for more! I know, we get it chests are terrible, but if chests are terrible, and the game is very much about getting chests, then ergo the game is terrible?

The things that continue to stand out to me:

  • Clearly Seasons chests have a modified loot table different from the normal Dungeon chest assortment even after taking into about the “QoL Improvements”
  • The addition of shards IMHO is still a poor choice. I can get shards from lots of places in the game currently (adding more shards has already been done a number of times so this is a case where the marginal utility of additional shards is poor). More items should be present particularly since people want the items for set and goals completions
  • The quality of the items is bad. So far not a single Epic item (EDIT: had one person let me know they did get one Epic belt). At this Level chest with over 50+ chest instances, is it too much to ask for one Epic drop? Once again, you need jackpot items to make this process interesting. Farming for “supplies” every single time is not fun
  • Speaking of jackpot items, still not a single relic. Talked to lots of people, barely any Seasonal relics from a chest (I heard from one person who said they got a Red Gear! Radical!). But honestly if you cant give us quality items then you at least need better chance for relics. Remember we have been told that Relic rates from chests have been “improved” 4 times to date. How bad were the drop rates originally if we are still not seeing any.

There is nothing fun or cool or exciting in this event right now. And that’s coming from someone who paid money for the Platinum Pass (imagine how uninspiring it feels to F2P players). Even the cache process is more disappointment than anything (~65% Rares and Superior Shards from the Ultimate cache???). Maybe the Hard Mode or the Elite Mode will have improved rates but I doubt it. It will likely just be more chests that look exactly like what I’ve been chronicling from Battles. Please improve chest content the right way. Make more jackpot items. Actually live up to your own standards in saying that waiting 24 hours for a chest should be worthwhile.