Server Push 10th May 2022 - Small Fixes and Improvements

Not too much to add but just wanted to note that I received 0 gold (capped), 0 food (capped), some ore, and a level 1 common minion for my most recent diamond opening. Absurd.


Still waiting on word from @Kafka about why Seasonal chests in addition to having “slightly” more Shards added, which everyone was clamoring for apparently, also apparently have had significant amounts of Food added to them. Chest after Chest, it is apparent that Food and perhaps Ore have increased significantly in Seasonal Dungeon Chests relative to regular dungeon Chests. Don’t recall seeing that change anywhere in the “improvements”. Still waiting on my “slightly more relics”.

Really curious to hear from “other voices” your current impressions of getting “slightly more relics” and “slightly more shards”. Are you seeing an equivalent rate of increase in shards vs relics? Anyone want to share their “slightly more relics” experience? Anyone feel that when you use words, they should have some sort of reliable meaning? :thinking:

Relics? As drops?

Havent seen any in a chest since the update dropped. And i have been playing very heavily, and have opened at least 400 dungeon chests (150 of which were level 100 season chests).

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Not seeing the point of continuing to detail the clearly inferior Season chest contents. Plenty of evidence of issues here, no response yet at all. :person_shrugging:

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Ive been having quite a bit of luck from Hunt diamond chests. Diamond chests are all but guaranteed to drop rare+ gear. Many chests have dropped 4 rare+ items, including a legendary minion. I’ve had quite a bit of luck outfitting my last class with the last remaining items needed, so I highly recommend Hunt chests over dungeon chests at this time.


Good to hear that Hunts chests are yielding some positive results, but it just emphasizes the issue further of Seasonal Dungeon chests clearly being inferior while being limited access, even a premium, item.

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I think I will try that route as dungeon chests are basically worthless now. Thanks!