Summer Festival

So far I believe it is intended, but I’ll pass on that next Adventure that should be more in line with other Adventures or the store.

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I sure won’t be buying any :smiley:


So as the Summer Festival swing is coming to an end, I wanted to give some feedback.

TLDR; Thank You it was great.

I’ve really enjoyed it. The fact that enough ice cream could be earned without paying to get a seasonal skin and not miss out on an exalted mythic made me very happy. The availability of aether and reward options provided a lot of flexibility to players not interested in a specific exalted Mythic.

I have seen so many players on the Throne of Odin Discord putting a lot of thought into which mythic would help their builds. This ability to pick a specific high level drop really increased their engagement. I hope some of them will come provide feedback too. I’ll be able to pick one that will just not drop for me to tinker with, so I won’t need to craft it.

The new events are pretty nice. I don’t like the surprise that some normal looking nodes cost 2 to attempt verses the normal 1, but I can deal with it. That is a pretty minor flaw to me, but I think the community would consider me a plant if I didn’t complain about something.

Anyway, I hope we see something similar for all four seasons of the year. Often enough for people to look forward to it, rare enough to not spoil us too much.

So Thank you.


I totally agree, thanks for the event it was a nice touch :slight_smile: and an awesome way to motivate the more recent players to keep playing, :+1::+1:


I completely agree, the Summer festival has been a wonderful new feature, and not only for the more recent players but also for long time veterans. At least I have found myself more engaged and active in the game for the last weeks thanks to this event and to the adventures. Thank you very much!


Thanks from me too. Same feelings as Higure said above :slight_smile:


@Jeto A little confused…Do we have 2 days and 22 hours left to collect ice cream for rewards or 5 days and 22 hours left to collect ice cream from the remaining 2 adventures (Storm the Prison and Unicornucopia)?

Ah, I missed explaining this!

So the Summer Festival shop will remain open till the 21st of July, but you will stop being able to earn Ice Cream cones a couple of days before then.

This gap just allows players to have some time to spend all their Ice Cream cones before the shop closes.


So does that include the last 2 adventures too though? Or does it just mean no more ice cream from battles in 2 days 22 hours? In other words, should we be rushing the 2 adventures or taking the full amount of time to finish them and still get the ice cream reward?

Chasing up with the team for clarification!

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We’re talking about Unicornicopia specifically then, as Storm the Prison ends at the same time that as this countdown - and Unicornicopia ends another 2 days later

As Unicornicopia rewards on completion, these will still be received - but the additional Ice Cream cones from all chests and battle rewards will stop when that 2d 22h period ends


Additionally! Chests need to be opened before the earning period ends - if they are opened after this period, they will no longer have ice cream cones within them.


A frequently asked question. What happens with the unused Ice Cream Imps? Do they just disappear? Or are they converted to anything else?

They will disappear - they are a unique currency for this event only

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