Winter Solstice Festival

Hello Adventurers,

The Winter Solstice Festival begins on the 17th of December and runs till the 5th of January!

During this event, you can earn Festive Florins in all Chests, from battle rewards and within Adventures.
Yes, Festival Florins are back!

This includes using Loot Tickets!

Within the Adventures, Festive Florins will be rewarded for completing any non-repeatable Adventures, as well as in-battle rewards & within chests.

Chests will reward 5-25 Festive Florins, depending on the chest type (iron-diamond).

Just wanted to double highlight that they are in chests as well, in case anyone out there is Salvaging Iron or lower chests.

Battles will reward 20 Festive Florins, with Dungeons rewarding 25.

There is a 200 Festive Florins cap per day. This is displayed in the Rewards tab.

This is also where you can see how long the Winter Solstice Festival event is active.

This cap is only applied to Festive Florins earned from Chests and battle rewards, any Festive Florins purchased, earned from Adventure completion, daily login rewards or earned from Task rewards will exceed this cap.

Within the Festival Shop, there is a range of items you can purchase using this currency!

Some offers will have a limited stock, and others will have their stock reset daily or weekly while the event is active.

As the Winter Solstice Festival runs from December 17th to the 5th of January, there will be 3 event weeks during this time where you can complete tasks to earn more Festive Florins and collect daily login rewards.

Festival of Lights
17th - 21st

22nd - 27th

New Year
28th Dec - 3rd Jan

The first 2 event weeks will display as “Special Event” in-game

At daily reset on Monday, January 5th the event will conclude and you will no longer be able to earn Festive Florins.

The Winter Solstice Festival Shop will remain open for a further 24 hours so you can purchase any final rewards.

Any remaining Festive Florins will be converted to Food after the Shop closes


Glad to see this change as extra gold is largely useless.

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What lovely festive skins. Waiting for my Santas and reindeers to go smash.


@Jeto Might want to consider changing Special Event order IV “Win 5 battles in a party”. I was able to do it, but alot of players on PS4/PS5 seem to be having problems getting party to work.


To anyone on the dev team who may be reading… Happy New Year! Goal V "Deal 500,000 damage in Kingdom Defense seems a bit unfair to many of the new or mid players to accomplish. I don’t have a problem doing it, but I think alot of players will have problems doing it. Not sure if this is intended or not, but its a task that you might want to consider revising?

It is tough for me to judge, but it is not 500k in one round or I don’t think it is.

Will lower level players clear all the other requirements except this one in like 2-3 days and have 3-5 days worth of KD to reach a total of 500k? Giving them something like 9+ attacks on the dragon to get there.

So I would think this is one of those challenges that the developers will just need to look at the statistics and see where things settle out.

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A lot of newer players are complaining that it is impossible for them. The main issue is that you are limited in the amount of attempts you can make, so a lot of players may end up being unable to get it.

Having a way in which strong players can be rewarded for really difficult goals is great, but when that means you make goals unavailable to other players it can feel bad. Let’s take events from example, strong players can get improved rewards by increasing the event tier, but weaker players can still get some rewards at lower tiers. This feels good, everyone can get rewards, but the rewards scale with level.

Having fixed rewards that some players can get and others not feels worse for the players that cannot get them, since it can lead to a feeling of “why even have that goal if it is impossible for me”? I believe that special events should be aimed for every player, so all goals should be achievable. Some can be more difficult to get, of course, but it is better if it is not a matter of being difficult in terms of the strenght needed, but in terms of the time and effort needed. That way at least everyone feels they can get it if they put enough time and effort. Nevertheless, I would still keep this at a sensible level where most players would be able to get it without having to dedicate too much time (I hope we don’t have again something like the lucky clover ring issue).


It was added in as an additional task this Festival - normally we have 3-4 but for the final week we added in a 5th stretch task.

But will definitely pass the feedback along.


Yeah, as Jeto said, it was meant to be a stretch, but the feedback is very valid.

Normally, we try and balance the tasks so they are achievable for everyone. We tend to assume that very new players might only get one, maybe two of them, but a majority of our players could get all of them. In this case, I wanted to try having the extra one as a bigger task with a chunkier reward that was meant as a bonus if you could reach it. It was definitely a left-field thing compared to the way we’ve done it before, but I’m always conscious of how many of you are very high achievers so I wanted to give it a try.

But, I agree with your feedback. Those Tasks as they are are probably not the right vehicle for that, especially when, at the very least, the intention can’t be communicated in-game. So, will backburner that particular weird little idea for the moment!


Even though it didn’t work out as planned thank you for the attempt at adding more late game achievements, it’s appreciated.


You could just put in the game BONUS CHALLENGE!!! with skulls or something if you ever want to do something like it again in the game maybe?


Yeah, I was thinking something like that might work. Of course, sometimes things end up being more difficult to implement than they sound (I’ve caused the devs plenty of headaches with various questions and suggestions in my time :laughing:), so we’ll noodle on it and see what we can do!


The idea was great, extra goals and challenges with increased rewards are always welcome. However, the special event tasks may not be the best place for that.

When the hard tasks and goals are part of permanent content, newer players that aren’t able to get them understand that it is a matter of being patient and slowly growing stronger until reaching them. However, when we are talking about temporal content that is only available for a short time, missing “impossible” tasks will feel more frustrating. This does not mean that having goals that only a part of the playerbase can reach is a bad thing per se. A game must have goals and challenges of varying difficulty and “weaker” players should expect not being able to reach some of them until becoming stronger.

These special events have been a great addition to the game, and I believe the decision to make the tasks available to all active players is a good one to motivate every player, including newer and “weaker” ones, to enjoy them. I do appreciate you trying something new with this last “hard” task, most of players have really welcome the extra rewards. However, it is true that those that weren’t able to reach it have felt bad about it. Additionally, the ability to reach it was also tied to the specific KD tier you had at your kingdom, so some players may have been penalized for being in high level kingdoms with max tier. I wouldn’t say it has been a disaster or something terrible, but it seems to have left a sour aftertaste for some players, so it is important that you are aware of it and will take the feedback into account. It is impossible to please everyone, but I believe one of the main reasons the game has become better with time is your readiness to accept our feedback and try to adapt to what the playerbase likes most.

Maybe the suggestion from Kenpo could help, something as simple as labeling the task as a hard one so that newer players instantly see that it is not targeted for them, expect not to get it and if they do reach it then feel greatly satisfied.

All in all I believe it is great you are ready to try new things and find ways to give us more tasks and rewards. The holiday events have been, without a doubt, a great addition to the game. The recent inclusion of more enticing flash offers is something that players are loving too. Maybe not everything works as expected from the go, but that is where we can help giving feedback on what we like and what we don’t, helping you shaping the game so that it becomes as enjoyable as possible. So thank you very much for all your hard work and your willingness to try new things and risk having to face our complains here afterwards :wink: