Summer Festival

Hey everyone,

The Summer Festival is about to begin (18th June - 21st July), and I just wanted to make a quick post explaining a couple of things about the event!


During the Summer Festival, you can earn Ice Cream Imps in all Chests and within the Adventures running.

This includes chest rewarded from using Loot Tickets!

Within the Adventures, Ice Cream Cone imps will be rewarded for completing the battle, within the chest reward at the end of the battle, and for completing the Adventure itself.
This excludes the ‘Rune Hunters’ & ‘Dragonkings Prize’ Adventure, which do not reward Ice Cream Cones for completion.

Just wanted to double highlight that they are in chests as well, in case anyone out there is Salvaging Iron or lower chests.

There is a 200 Ice Cream Cone Imp limit per day. This is displayed in the Midsummer Rewards tab at the bottom.


This cap is only applied to Ice Cream Cones earned from Chests and battle victory rewards, any Ice Cream Cones purchased, earned from Adventure completion or earned from Task rewards will exceed this cap.

Within the Shop you will see a range of items you can purchase for this Summer Festival currency, with some items not yet unlocked.

For example, our Fourth of July Skins will unlock at a later date. These are greyed out intentionally at the moment. They should unlock from the 2nd of July till the 7th of July.


Some items will have a limited stock, others will have their limited stock reset and then there are items with no stock limit.

Also, we already have a QOL in place for the Choose A Mythic offer within the shop, as currently it only has the item flavour text being displayed and does not show you the attributes.

Example below of the information currently

As the Summer Festival runs from 18th June - 21st July, there will be 3 events during this time where you can complete tasks to earn more Ice Cream Imps

  • Midsummer Festival 19th - 23rd of June
  • Independence Day 2nd of July - 7th
  • Bastille Day 13th - 18th of July

Shields have been (accidentally) left off of pick a exalted mythic caches.

Do you mean the Gear cache in the Summer Rewards, the random Mythic or the Choose a Mythic option?
Just confirming cos you said Cache

Oh sorry. Exalted Mythic, choose an item.

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Will there be enough ways to earn the 10,000 imps without having to purchase them? 30 days at a 200 max (minus adventures) doesn’t quite get us there.


While I like the idea behind it, I think it is a pity that the skins are very expensive considering the daily cap - so we can buy 3 out of 7 without spending anything anywhere else and with reaching the cap every day.

As mentioned within my post, you only have a daily cap for Ice Creams earned from chests and battle rewards.

Ice cream cones earned from completing Midsummer tasks, Adventure completion rewards and purchasing Ice cream cones will exceed the daily cap.

So in order to buy the 7 skins, another 266 Ice Creams from Midsummer tasks, Adventure completion rewards and purchases are required on top of the 200 from chests / battles - per day for 30 days straight. That sounds like

These events are the same as the Midsummer event week, they will all reward Ice Cream cones for playing & completing tasks - think they reward 1,000 ice cream cones in total from just their tasts :thinking:

Almost all the tasks in these event weeks are things almost everyone would do anyways, such as opening chests, defeating enemies and completing Adventure battles. The exception being the Summer cache.

Edit: There is also free Ice cream cones just for logging in during those event weeks.

If you are already playing Adventures then you have 3 ways to earn Ice cream coins there alone - with Adventure completion rewards exceeding the cap.


Is that going to apply on re-playable adventures as well? Or more of a case by case basis?

These adventures, which I believe are repeatable - aren’t included

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Just a quick note!

The new Adventure ‘In the Summertime’ will be displaying the incorrect rewards at daily reset, a fix has already been released but it won’t make it out before the event has started.

It will be displaying

When the intended and updated rewards for each difficulty are

This fix should already be out, but it will take a minute or two for everyone to get - and just wanted to post in case anyone was lightning fast on starting the Adventure

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Yeah, glad you let us know, I was so excited I was just announcing it
on global.

Whoever did the writing for the new “I the Summertime” adventure, deserves a raise, lol!


Except somewhere it does say pale instead of pail.

So wie ich sehe besteht also die Möglichkeit 10200 Eis zu erspielen wenn man die kommenden Events mit jeweils 1000 Eis belohnt bekommt. Naja zumindest kann man sich so 1 allmĂ€chtig Mystische AusrĂŒstung erspielen ohne dazu kaufen zu mĂŒssen. Allerdings kann man sich dann nichts anderes mehr leisten. Das ist sehr schade.
Mfg Stone


Apologies for the upcoming bad translation. As mentioned there are 2 more event weeks coming up.
Each week will have tasks where you can earn more Ice Cream Cones, they will also have login rewards of Ice Cream Cones - on top of that there are the daily 200 Ice Cream Cones you can earn from battle rewards & chests

Then on top of that again, there is the option to purchase more.

Entschuldigen Sie die bevorstehende schlechte Übersetzung. Wie erwĂ€hnt stehen noch 2 weitere Eventwochen bevor.
Jede Woche gibt es Aufgaben, bei denen Sie mehr EistĂŒten verdienen können. Außerdem gibt es als Login-Belohnung EistĂŒten – außerdem gibt es tĂ€glich 200 EistĂŒten, die Sie durch Kampfbelohnungen und Truhen verdienen können.

Dann gibt es noch einmal die Möglichkeit, mehr zu kaufen.

Any idea on the final ice cream count without buying additional ice cream cone currency? Its been projected to be about 10,600. The important thing really is if we’ll reach at least 10k by the end to pick an exalted mythic reward?

  • If you don’t feel comfortable answering the question, I understand completely. Just trying to gauge what we need to save is all for the bigger purchases.

If you engage in the whole event, so:

  • Daily cap reached for the duration
  • Collect all daily login rewards (across the 3 event specific-weeks*)
  • Complete all tasks (across the 3 event-specific weeks*)
  • Complete the max difficulty for the Ice Cream Cone reward Adventures

and without making any purchases of the currency - then you should exceed 11k+
If you are more of a casual player then should earn enough to purchase the Exalted Mythic offer

*event specific weeks are


Is the new Goblin Independence adventure correct? Has an accessory glyph for 1200 gems. Just for context the normal price for an accessory glyph is 1125 in the shop and Dreamhold Expedition adventure has it for 800. So just double checking to see if the 1200 gems was actually intended as the price or not?