Hello everyone, this is already a cry from the soul, when will there be new adventures, when will the servants be redesigned, when will the citadel be redesigned??? a lot of players leave, there is no development as such, one season is stretched over 60 days, the game is stalling in one place.
The Minions don’t really need to be redesigned. The new abilities they got in tourney fix the problems they originally had. Might Minions basically had no function except to a beginner who didn’t have many minions. Now they do though, because Might minions are great for tourney
Also prior to 3.0 people (at least on PlayStation) would all run cunning minions, specifically Pussbag. When I first started playing the game gave you a ton of food, but trash in the chests. This meant that Might minions were useless and speed minions were pretty useless too. But when 3.0 happened, food in chests dropped significantly. Too much in the beginning, but it was eventually raised, not as much as before, but a healthier amount. This means if you only ran cunning minions like before you’d probably run out of food. But if you run speed minions, it makes it much easier to farm for longer periods of time. But you also need the cunning minions for keys, and the might minions for tourney. So the game is much more balanced now and every minion feels important in some way.
Citadel was already redesigned. The improvements the devs made to it recently make it more manageable to use or reset citadel. I think if there is something specific you want as a change to citadel, then you need to post it here and if its a good idea then there is certainly a chance of the devs to discuss it and it happening in a future patch. Personally I don’t really see the need to redesign Citadel unless they want to re-examine some of the what appear to be weaker choices in citadel.
hi, the citadel needs to be redone for a smaller amount of experience to complete stage 1, now I have level 268 and need 220 thousand experience for stage 1, while I have all the attributes for experience pumped in and it is 198%, at the moment I have passed the citadel by 75% and I do not understand how to achieve 100% The skill level of the element with so much experience required for stage 1 needs to be redone dramatically to increase the experience for the citadel .The translation is clumsy, I hope you will understand.
I didn’t mean the minions, but the of the Dark Hunter, Rebel and the rest, almost half of them do useless things.
there have been many suggestions for improving or reworking them, but for some reason the developers are silent, and time goes by, and for many it causes irritation and rejection from the game , I know a lot of players with excellent performance in the game who abandoned it because there is no development and no fan, and about the fact that the citadel was redone, you’re wrong, This is just an improvement of the game’s game functionality and not a reworking of the game attribute.
Oh I see. Well they’ve been adding stuff and making changes with every patch though. Like the Terror rework for this season is great. I think the easiest way to get a change to happen if its something you feel strongly about is just to make a case for it here in the forums. Try and provide the devs with a good case of why you think a certain change should be made. Certainly followers like Jocea could use tweaks. She was great before 3.0, but a bit harder to use now. Darkhunter maybe, Grungli, Resh perhaps. Resh is tricky because he provides value with his buffs, but his gifts are a bit harder to justify using now, costs alot of ore and doesn’t always give you much in return. Probably in the minority, but I do like when he gives me shards. Just wish he didn’t give rare or epic relics at the highest level. I think all the other followers are probably fine. The devs have done a very good job at making most of them feel important.
Darkhunter definitely needs a scroll/rune exchange feature Ă la Eveline.
I’m constantly seeing members of our community complaining of not having access to certain scrolls. I myself have become frustrated at having numerous maxed poison spells that I can’t evolve to Ancient Mythic due to the absurdly low drop rate of Mythic Poison Scrolls compared to their elemental counterparts.
See I’m not really seeing that. I think it might be more to do with how people are playing the game, rather than a flaw in the game itself. Scrolls are used for minions and spells and with so many people obsessed with running green spells and green minions, its only natural to run into shortages sometimes. But even though I’ve done both, I still have a large ample amount of scrolls.
Been wrestling with this one for awhile on exactly how to say this.
Possessing a solid spell build and now a mostly-viable skull build (WIP), there’s a couple of problems with the Citadel that I see. That said, I’m not really sure that some of the problems are realistically fixable or are quite possibly were intentionally designed the way they are as the Citadel (outside of the UI revamp) has remained the same since open beta.
From a design perspective, I believe at this point that the game was initially designed to be based primarily skull damage based, with spells acting as secondary supporting damage. Skulls are objectively far more powerful than spells, even when taking into account 80% block / 80% mitigation versus 0% for spells. Multiple Citadel design choices such as color mastery (core to spell builds) being the “weakest” (aka the unlimited choice) for each color upgrade tend to emphasize these design choices.
The Citadel needs some kind of segregation between skull-oriented and spell-oriented builds. The one build fits all Citadel model is poor for handling different play styles because a reasonable player should build their Citadel choices different based upon whether they are focusing on skulls versus spells.
I seriously doubt that the devs will come up with separate Citadel trees based for skull vs. spell builds, so the next best course of action is to allow each build slot on a character to have its own unique Citadel build. If for some reason that is not possible/realistic, then at least allow each character slot its own Citadel build. Each class is defined by its ultimate spell and dictates whether the optimal play style for that class is skull-based or spell-based.
Maybe the fact that you’ve spent more money than most on the game is a contributing factor to your scroll count? Not the best representation of the average player…
I’ve intentionally never wasted mythic scrolls on evolving minions. I have only evolved two to mythic, my other mythic minions being from event rewards, so that isn’t relevant to my situation. Admittedly I have concentrated on poison spells but, even taking that into consideration, the drop ratios are well off. I open more chests than the average player so feel fairly confident in my reasoning for questioning drop rates.
I gain a number of mythic scrolls per day……just very, very rarely poison ones.
You’ve show me yours so I’ll show you mine. Just for reference sake.
The only thing I buy is the season platinum pass. I don’t buy the battle pass or the vip. And I don’t think the platinum pass has really added to my scroll count that much. I do think evolving my minions probably has though. I’m able to open more chests faster as I farm.
So to me, @KenpoKid69 is a very active end game player. So he no longer feels the limitations that earlier players feel for Epic Scrolls.
I have around 2 years of playtime. My VIP is higher than Kenpo’s. I am struggling with Light Epic Scrolls. These 4 are my week of making sure I did not spend any. Now I know they come around in the store for gems, so I can pick some up there. I thought they would appear in the event rework, but they do not.
I am hoping they will give some better ability to craft them. Right now even the crafting of a specific color scroll can give me a higher level scroll than my bottleneck.
My abundance of Poison, Dark, and Fire scrolls are from the repeatable adventures that drop a relic, scroll, and rune at the end. I have not focused on ice, so I still have a good stock of those.
To my best of my knowledge, epic light scrolls haven’t been added officially yet to a re-playable adventure. I believe its the only color that hasn’t. Right now your best bets for farming epic light scrolls are Borderlands Bash and Farm Girls. Story Mode is great for epic scroll farming if you don’t mind losing out on citadel xp (its biggest downside). Also farming lower level chests should change the contents of the chests, giving you more epic scroll drops or whatever it is you’re looking for. I wouldn’t be afraid of spending gems either. Like I know alot of people bash Borderlands Bash but for 50 gems to finish it faster, you get quite alot for your gems.
Energy required | 2 energy purchases → 5 complete runs |
Loot (per 100 gems) | 10 random epic runes (30k gold) |
5 random epic runes | |
5 random epic scrolls | |
5 random legendary scrolls | |
5x Difficulty dependent rewards |
Well worth spending the gems if you need the resources, especially considering how generous the devs are in handing them out now.
Dreamhold Adventure - Infinite Epic Green Scrolls
Flametree Adventure - Infinite Epic Red Scrolls
Khazduli Adventure - Infinite Epic Purple and Blue Scrolls
I want to say that Mythic Scrolls drop really often in Hunt Mode. I enjoy playing Hunt, its a pretty underrated mode. Mythic Scrolls drop often in Adventure chests, you can easily get 3 in one chest. Archive chests too maybe?
Hello everyone, I would like to hear a clear answer from the developers.
We introduced a new adventure recently, as well as updating a number of them to be replayable and their rewards.
Citadels recently had it’s UI update but currently no plans at this stage to make changes to it mechanically.
The Followers have also been updated over the past year as well, with the updated Forge System. There has been feedback shared, specifically about Darkhunter, that I’m hopeful will be implemented in the near future, but nothing has been confirmed.
The introduction of Festival Events, is also new.
While I do not have any information on what our next major update will contain or look like, there has definitely been updates and content along the way. Last year as a whole had some of our biggest updates since PQ3 came out of Early Access.
Should there be any information on new content, we will always try to share it when we can, but this also does not mean that PQ3 has nothing going on if we don’t get to share anything.
Thanks for the clear answer, that’s what I wanted to hear.I hope everything will be fine.
I’d consider adding Jocea and maybe Grungli on the list to review. They’re probably in the worst state right now of any of the other minions. Some slight tweaks so they’re a little better would be nice. They weren’t bad originally, but over time chests have become better, ore is a little more scarce and its very needed for lots of other more important stuff now, making it harder to use these minions. I guess you could argue that with Resh as well, but I feel like Resh is actually pretty decent, maybe his gift cost is a little high now, but he does sometimes gives you a really good reward and his 1st turn battle buffs are great. For Resh maybe the only thing I’d change is having him stop give rare and epic relics for superior gifts. The shards I don’t mind, but to waste all that ore on a rare relic is a bit annoying. But he’s still decent.
(Edit) Just a little more on Jocea. I used to use her all the time, her, Mutiny, Xione were my favorite followers. The thing with Jocea though is you can buy 150 minions from her and never get a legendary minion. And even if you do, its probably 1 level legendary minion. And then you have to worry about whether its good minion or a not so good minion. You probably have the same odds of getting a legendary minion by opening chests as you do with Jocea, without using ore. And probably a higher level legendary minion. And you’re much more likely to get a legendary minion that you actually want since dungeons only have 2 to 4 minions in them anyway.
Back to Jocea though, I think having the legendary minion be level 1 is fine and a good way to balance her, because the stopping point now for most players will be to earn those minion shards before they level the minion up. So even if her odds of giving legendary minions went up a bit, its not going to break the game, because at level 1, its still going to take work to level them up anyway.
Quite the statement.
As I previously stated, obtaining Mythic Scrolls isn’t the problem. I get a decent number daily. But as for the probability being evenly distributed as to what element scroll is obtained, it simply isn’t the case.
Mythic Poisons don’t drop as frequently as the others whatever the claimed RNG figures dictate….unless of course VIP level does indeed affect the stats.
Regardless, a Darkhunter exchange feature would resolve the issue whether you agree with it or not.
I agree that a Darkhunter exchange feature would be really welcome. Usually players tend to spend more scrolls from certain colors than others, so the ability to exchange unwanted ones for the needed ones would help a lot. If it has been done with eveline’s crystal exchanging, I believe that Darkhunter should have it too.