80% Critical Hit Chance Vs BOSS KINGDOM!

(768) 80% Critical Hit Chance Vs BOSS KINGDOM !!! - YouTube


I agree

Blame is on one kingdom leader who revels in their infamy (i’m not giving them their pleasure of their name being uttered)


Well yeah it sucks, nice case of nerfhammer we got there, shouldn’t have been too hard to cap Crit chance in PvP only but now PvE is ruined for everyone, that and AI in autoplay unable to properly cast spells=many avoidable deaths in archive dungeons as well.


Completely agree: @Jeto can you please find a way to restore our crit chance to 100% outside of PvP please?

Literally nobody wanted this change, a lot of our newer kingdom members are really struggling.


As mentioned in the past, this is feedback I have shared with the team - I do not have any further updates or I’ll post them into their relevant threads


Lol I just finished my KD for the day with three consecutive (Apparently 80% Crit chance hits) not critting, meaning millions of missed damage. This is a 0.8% chance of happening and yet appears to happen all the time. I would stress to the dev team this is a horrible change detrimental to the player bases enjoyment and that it should be addressed urgently. I am leader of a top 5 Kingdom and thinking about quitting as this is just one of a number of other things that are done without thought of the consequences and never fixed.


I missed three in a row with the 80% crit chance for normal damage over 550k. So with my bonuses, that would have been around 7 million. What a pain.