'Almost' One Minute 200 Level Dungeon Fight

Continuing the discussion elsewhere on completing a level 200 dungeon fight in around one minute, here is my video link of a 200 level fight finished by me in one minute, 3 seconds. :slight_smile:

Mind you, this event had enemies with super double resistance.


I tried taking a recording of my fight, but the game froze in the middle. And I only had one shot for it (Cache II only gives you one fight against lvl 200) :sweat_smile:

But since Phantom already showed how it is done, there is no need for me to show it again (our builds are very similar). Even in a “hard” event for us, such as this one with x2 resistance enemies, finishing our fights in around 1 minute is common :yum:

However, let it be clear that reaching this point hasn’t been easy at all. It has required a lot of farming, effort, time and tons of resources spent on refining and honing. Just in case anyone believes that with getting the gear and spells is enough. Lvl 200 enemies are extremely tough and require highly upgraded and optimized builds to be able to consistently kill them this fast (and not dying in the process) :wink:


I am impressed using flood technique you got it in that quick time. Well done Jose. Faster than me no doubt.



I agree. I am close. I can hold my own just enough, but need to make some more tweaks. All a learning experience.


Here’s my shamans one crack at it today, featuring enemy stunning me and technically extending past 1 minute. Sads.


Impressive flex. :wink: I can get stunned and still beat in under a minute! LOL.

Here is my attempt, 45-50 seconds. It was an easy event, though (yellow).

I may try assassin next time to see if I can go below that. But currently I like warlock more because it is both fast and safe.


Higure, were you able to replicate that time with ease, or was this one of the fastest for that event? Wicked fast man.

If the starting board allows to match at least 4 purple gems easily, then the battles tend to take 45-60 secs. From my experience this happens most of the time, so it is pretty consistent to get an average time of around 1 minute per battle.

Additionally, I tried assassin and I was able to shorten the time by 5 secs:

This is probably the lowest I can do consistenly. Probably it can go lower if you have better devices. However, for a difference of just 5 seconds I find the warlock safer and more comfortable to play (no real need to match gems apart from the first turn).