An idea for Kingdom Defense

After reading a couple of comments in our excellent Playstation PQ3 Community Chat I propose an idea, and apologies in advance if this has been suggested before but….

How about an option for Kingdom Defense whereby we had the choice for all attacks against the dragon to either be cumulative or independent of each other?

i.e the target for killing the dragon and rewards would remain the same, but every member could now be scored independently of each other. Newer kingdoms and those that struggle to kill the dragon could still use the current cumulative method, but a toggle option could be implemented (controlled only by the kingdom leader) to allow the newer independent method to be used if so wished.

I’m sure members can relate to how difficult it can be to test experimental loadouts and strength against the dragon when it’s already been obliterated by other members and its health is capped at just over 1 million. It would also make the KD leaderboards a tad more interesting with a friendly bit of competition between Kingdom members.

You could even go as far as to remove the Dragon’s health cap (while keeping the rewards target intact) to allow for a true leaderboard….

Just a thought.


The health cap is there as a favor to the players. So after the Dragon is defeated, you can quickly get your silver and gold rewards and then go back to doing dailies or farming. I really don’t get why people want it removed, would make Kingdom Defense extremely tedious IMO, if the devs were to do that.

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The target and rewards would still remain, so once the target has been met you’d only need a simple “save and quit” button for those that wanted to quit, but those who want to continue could. If people were really perturbed by it the endless mode could even have its own section and leave the current KD intact.

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I can’t just quit in KD, that would bother me. An Endless mode would be fine.

You wouldn’t have to lol. :eyes: It would just be a method of exiting KD once you’ve reached the rewards target so you can get back to your dailies and farming. If you didn’t want to exit you could just continue.

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It would annoy me greatly.

Let’s hope it never comes to fruition then….for our sakes. :rofl:

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I suggested in another post a game mode for an immortal dragon, which changes colour at every day reset (maybe for the days when there’s no boss rush?). The dragon can’t be killed, but it can be used to see how long you last and how much damage you can do.

There’d be no prizes, but maybe a leader board with some gems for the top 10 high scores.


Yea a leaderboard with rewards would be a welcome addition.

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Im back to say yes plz do something, anything please❤