I might have more things, but these two just keep nagging at me everyday.
The fact that the point limit on a “killed” KD is still so low. I really like fighting the KDs, but when I’m late to the party and the first two arriving fighters in my kingdom have wiped it out already, it’s one of the most boring/perfunctory tasks in the game. I mean, that’s an old, old complaint, no?
Damage scores flashing by so quickly that you can’t see them. I could have sworn that a year ago there was a promise to fix this. Y’all know what I mean, right? Sometimes you’ll pop an enemy and say, “Oh, nice! 1,866,787 points on that crit!” And then you’ll be fighting about a minute later and you can’t even make a guess how much a given hit was. You’d have to have the visual nervous system of a housefly to even have a chance at that level of recognition.
Xione and Mutiny need a collective comeuppance. (OK, that’s not a real complaint, but…)
Again, not trying to complain. This is more like a digital-shrug thread. I’m shrugging.
I don’t get why so many people want this. I personally prefer it being low so that I get my silver and gold rewards and get back to farming and dailies faster. I’m not against it being added, but if it is added than it needs to be optional. I think it makes the game worse if everytime you fight the dragon it gets full health. Just a colossus waste of time IMO and a huge step backwards.
He didn’t ask for the reward levels to be changed, only a higher level of allowed play to make it more interesting.
Perhaps if we were really nice to the devs they’d offer a higher level and another reward level too. But, even without an extra reward, higher levels of play would be more fun.
I know that, but the reason the devs set the health low is just so you can earn your silver and gold rewards. Why be forced to waste time fighting a dragon whose already dead? If its optional, then fine. But if its one way or the other, than the way the devs have it right now is the smartest way to do it.
Is it, you want to play the whole battle cos players are enjoying the Kingdom defence battles themselves, or is it more feedback that players want a space to just test their loadouts? this has already been shared in the past
Which currently only being facilitated by KD battles.
I know some people use KD to test out new builds but I just enjoy the kingdom defense part of the game!
I’d love for each person in the kingdom to be able to fight the full dragon and compare scores. The person with the highest score at the end of the time period is the MVP for that day and gets bragging rights in the kingdom.
The highest score would just be the max health of the Dragon, but the idea of having a battle where members can have bragging rights is something we are looking at in a different way
The reward levels don’t have to change though. I just want a higher outer limit. A player can tap out once they earn their reward. I just want to swing away and test myself. Test my gear. Etc.
Yes it is. The KD 1.5.5 update was great, but it still left a big issue for all of us that enjoy the challenge of facing a full health dragon: its health bar decreases as players attack it and in most top kingdoms most of the time we only get to face a too weak dragon.
Since that update we have always asked for something that allows us to either always face the dragon at full health or a practice mode where you can test your loadouts.
I like the first option because in addition to make the fight itself more interesting it introduces a bit more of enjoyment to the KD mode. As Prisca suggested it could promote intra-kingdom competitions to see who can do most damage, now with higher scoring max (3 times the dragon health). It is true what Kenpo says, the current system is pretty comfortable for those that only want to get gold rewards. However, I believe the time loss wouldn’t be that big. Just do the battle until you get gold rewards, then click autoplay and it shouldn’t be long before the fight ends. Most of the time I only do KD to get gold rewards and I don’t find the idea of having to always face the dragon at full health that bad. As always, being able to choose is always the best option so that everyone is happy, but I undestand that sometimes creating a way so that every player can choose how it works for them may makes changes too complex to be doable. So if it is between the current system and a system of the dragon always having max health, I prefer the second.
The option of a practice mode seems also nice. We were told that the possibility of it having infinite life was problematic due to the 30 min timer, but this could be solved by making it a KD practice mode. The dragon battle has a timer, the last spell. So having a practice mode where we fight against a KD dragon with infinite life should be possible and great, because it would not only let us test loadouts without being limited in the number of tries but would also allow us to see how much damage past the current max health we are able to do. Having this practice mode tied to the kingdom and having scoreboards that show each member’s best attacks would also be great, a bit of competition always helps making the game more enjoyable.
This was fixed, but only for the final enemy of a battle. It is true that the numbers of the damage done to the previous enemies in dungeons and parties is still too fast to be seen.
I agree with you all 100%
In my kingdom I only perform 1 attack to count DMG towards the Gold reward.
Players set an alarm on their phone to be the first to attack the Boss.
Just to see if they can kill the clan boss themselves.
First of all, set MaX chance for critical attack in the boss fight !!!
Personally, it happened to me that out of 5 attacks, 0 critical attack!!! At MaX 80% chance for critical attack.
In this case, the gloves from the Guards set have no use.
I hate when you get several crit fails in a row. The critical cap has been the worst change done to the game for me, it has reduced considerably my enjoyment when playing it since everytime I miss the crit (therefore having to spend extra time on the battle) it feels so frustrating. This is specially true due to the game having become more grindy after the reworks. Farming and opening lots of chests is much more essential currently so the faster you beat enemies the better. Increasing our battle time through the crit chance nerf has been a really nasty blow.
This, so this. I almost have PTSD when I miss 4 or 5 crits in a row on the KD.
I don’t even know what the rest of the thread was because I got triggered. You think they could implement some kind of logarithmic scale so we could keep climbing our crit percentages just at increased cost. Oh well.
Regarding number one. Our kingdom is the opposite. We’re at a xx dragon and only one person can do significant damage while 98% of us can barely hit the rewards score.
Hitting that reward score is the only reason most of us are even playing in our kingdom.
We’re usually in the top 15 in our Kingdom score every season, and there are a lot of high-level players. It’s just that KD isn’t exactly the strong suit. So I’m glad for the low score.
We are not asking that the score needed to get silver and gold rewards is increased. That should remain as it is. We are just asking that we have the opportunity to always face a full-health dragon to make the battle more challenging and enjoyable. Getting KD silver and gold rewards is tough enough for new and mid players as they are.