Changing Kingdom name - will reset Kingdom stats/crests?


Our Kingdom is concerned by our visibility in search due to the use of mixed cyrillic and latin letters.
So, we are thinking to change the name. Would it reset the kingdom stats (season/overall) i.e. credts accumulated under the “old” name?

Thank you in advance for any info on this!
Best regards


I don’t think you lose any stats

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No, you are just changing the name - it’s not linked to your progress.


You don’t lose any crests or anything. I’ve done it and a couple other big kingdoms have as well. Still on the leader board in their normal positions.

Off topic, but how does that work with players leaving or being kicked out of an alliance? Because that does seem to be a bit of a more slippery slope in regards to crests?

Crests are added to the total for the Kingdom instantly, so if someone leaves or gets removed then any further Crests stop counting towards that Kingdom?


Here’s what i see happens to clarify for players on crests a player earns.
A player earns crests for a kingdom. The overall stays and crests are counted immediately.
Once a player leaves or has been kicked the total stays the same however any future crests earned will either go to the new kingdom or if a player goes solo then nowhere at all.
Make sense?


And to add to this conversation I’m going to drop a old thread i made when i first started and see what the devs think now if anything like this can be implemented

I think this would be a awesome feature!
And i don’t know if it ever was mentioned before


Yeah, that would be great, to see the biggest contributors at least per season basis.
I once tracked that manually in excel for the season, that was fun.
And for the next season I missed once the weekly reset and then there’s no point anymore :-/