This issue has risen its head again. I previously reported it here:
This week the issue is back. I have submitted a Feedback Support request (Ticket #113106) in which I provided screenshot support showing that we are currently ~7,000 Crests short when comparing Total Crest Count in the Kingdom tally to the total of all Crests earned by Members for the week.
This is a significant discrepency and will likely cause us to miss rewards as a result.
So 20 hours ago I replied above stating our Kingdom crest total was 11654 when it should have been 17180.
Instead of improving or correcting itself, the game has gone into reverse. Apparently we now have a weekly total of 6962, though adding up the current player list totals 19371.
The “Next Reward” appears to be coded to the current total and not expecting it to go into reverse, since it thinks the 9000 crest target is the next one, despite having already paid out on Tier XI this week.
@Jeto Any word on this yet? I’ve had no response to my ticket. We are current down 9,272 Crests by my count. Total member sum is 17,550 (including one member no longer in the kingdom). We have only up to received up to Kingdom Award X (Gold Key, 1,000 Gold for 9,000 Crests). We will miss Awards XI, XII, and XIII if this issue is not corrected.
We finished well over 18k but missed out on the last three rewards (2x Ruby Key, 1x Diamond Key). Any chance of compensation? We did not receive duplicate keys of any type.
But we have well nearly 9,000+ Crests from members week to date. We have already triggered Kingdom Reward IX, but if this is not resolved then we will likely miss the final 4 rewards (or some) yet again. Please assist
Hey, just a quick update to let you know we’re still following up on what’s causing this issue.
We typically try to work out what’s causing it and seeing if it’s a quick fix or something that will take awhile or need to be a part of a future client update so we can work out appropriate compensation as well as advise about what we’re doing about the bug, any timelines we can share and any work arounds we’ve discovered in the meantime.
Thank you for the update @Kafka . This is the second week that we are currently on track to miss the last kingdom reward (1x Diamond Key) due to this error (I believe we missed 1x Ruby Key as well the prior week). Currently we have nearly 25,000 Crests for the week but are showing ~16,700.
I’m saving my screenshots to help with receiving compensation for the entire kingdom who are unfairly missing out on the listed rewards. Thanks.
Ours has the 3 Title Holders based on last week’s results all grouped up together under the Master of Crests title (however they are not all receiving the Master of Crests Bonus)