[COULD OTHERS WEIGH IN?] Frozen status resets game

Platform, device and operation system
Eg, Android, Samsung Galazy s8, Nougat
Android Redmi note 9
What were you expecting to happen, and what actually happened
After killing by blue spell frozen enemy game crash on dead enemy trying to deal him some strange chip blue dmg when he is already dead and a short while after it crash and restart. After reset it don’t remember it was during fight and restores to point before fight started
If you are on a console device please feel free to take a photo using another device. Where possible, a video helps us best. Try uploading it to Youtube privately.

In my case that spell triger frozen

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Actually each time that spell trigered frozen status when enemy died to spell casted same thing happened
Is this a once-off issue or has it been a consistent issue? Does it only happen in specific circumstances?

Steps to make it happen again
Please detail the steps taken to trigger this bug. The more detailed the breakdown, the easier it is for us to test in-house.

Could some people weigh in and let me know if they are also experiencing it? I want to figure out if it’s a bigger bug with the Assassinate spell, or potentially an interaction with a weapon, etc.