December Community Update

Thanks for posting the screenshot., Aeon.

That does change the situation a bit. The devs still have not explicitly stated that the inclusion of these items into sets was advertised. The naming of these items alone in-game does not constitute an explicit advertisement by them. That said, the game recognizing that these items are a part of a set is very strong implicit case that the intent was there to do so at some point.

What’s weird here is that the “sets” here for both of these pieces are called the same as the existing set in the game, yet they are coded to be in different sets. The tell is in the screenshot you posted.

For example, for the Jeweled Set:


For the Jeweled Grasp:


Same name, yet different sets as far as the game is concerned. Same situation for the Serpentine Flame Ring.

So, the question is why is this the case? Did the devs try to implement them into their respective sets at some point, change their mind (or find the implementation impractical, such as the game can’t recognize 2 rings in the same set without a serious recoding of the gear system), and we are observing sloppy or leftover coding that found its way to the production servers?

We may never know, and I suppose as of 1.5 it won’t matter anymore.

FWIW, I’d be on Team Compensation at this point. But, ultimately, Sibellos is right on this matter. The resolution on this matter is a purely arbitrary decision by the devs and our quibbling over the semantics of the situation is likely going to fall on deaf ears as the devs have announced their decision on the matter.