Elite PvP weapon groupings

Is there a list anywhere of the groups of weapons allowed in the Elite VS? For example:


If there isn’t one available, if anyone fancied doing me a list in the above format I’d be very grateful.


Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6
Longswords & Broadswords & Maces Battleaxes & Hammers & Mauls Spears & Sickles & Flails Wands & Orbs & Tomes Bows & Crossbows & Daggers Falchions & Staves & Twinblades
Royal longsword Warlord’s Battleaxe Firewalker Spear Night Wand Elven Bow Dreamhold Falchion
Guard’s Broadsword Dwarven Hammer Bone Sickle Jeweled Orb Khazdhuli Crossbow Savior’s Staff
Runic Mace Serpentine Maul Esgaard Flail Dragonguard Tome Flametree Thorn Fallen Staff
Lightbringer’s Blade Corrupted Guard Hammer Trarg Hookblade Necrotic Tome Bloodfang Twinblade
Bucaneer Cutlass Dragonking Axe Godslayer Diraquine Scimitar

Thanks to Higure’s Spreadsheet. Possibly based on OuttaTime’s list


Thanks for the list higgy nice to have one handy

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Perfect, thanks very much.

Now I can delete the weapons I don’t need.