If Dungeon not done, dungeon button appears active but does nothing

Platform, device and operation system
Android 9, One Plus 3, Oxygen 9.0.6

What were you expecting to happen, and what actually happened
Note, this was in 0.38, so I’m not sure if it’s still happening.
Unlock the screen where the dungeon button is available before you unlock the dungeon in the story quest. From the main page, click WORLD, BATTLES on the left if not already selected, then click Dungeon
Expected: If you click on the dungeon without there being any unlocked dungeon you get a message saying something like “Complete Dungeons in Story mode to unlock!”

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Is this a once-off issue or has it been a consistent issue? Does it only happen in specific circumstances?
This only happens if you look at the Battles page before completing a dungeon.

Steps to make it happen again
Please detail the steps taken to trigger this bug. The more detailed the breakdown, the easier it is for us to test in-house.
Without completing a dungeon, get to a level where you can unlock the Dungeon page.
From the main page, click WORLD, BATTLES on the left if not already selected, then click Dungeon