Maybe for you.
For me, the game is nearly constant disappointment and negative reinforcement now, since mythics drop so rarely, and I basically never get anything that helps me out at all.
So that’s negative reinforcement 99 times out off 100.
1 in 100 times it’s a mythic and then, more often than not, that’s a disappointment, because it’s useless to me. … So make it negative reinforcement 499 times out of 500.
And my reaction to a mythic, now is, “meh, whatever”. No sense of accomplishment and feeling good about myself, the way earning a mythic by slowly leveling up a piece used to bring.
I realize things are different for the end-gamers with lots of mythics already, and 50/50/50 scrolls, for whom a random mythic drop is a pleasant but unneeded bonus.
For everybody else, trying to level up gear sets to improve their heroes – or, I should say, hero, since most of us who didn’t get grandfathered in with 50/50/50 scrolls have basically given up on trying to level multiple heroes – it’s just constant discouragement.
I’m far from the only one who’s posted to that effect on forums or in chat.
Regardless, why not have both … random mythic drops, but also the ability to level up gear rarity and build up to a mythic, the way we used to.
I do agree with you, though, on crafting.
Spending aether to make just a random mythic is stupid and pointless. It’s simply another pull of the slot machine lever.
If we go with the “20% useful” metric, then 4 times out of 5, that’s just a disappointment too … and a really frustrating one, as it takes a while to build up aether.
I realize that fast-dungeon-playing end-gamers will get there quicker.
For us mid-gamers, though, it’s a lot slower to get 500 aether. I only just got to that point this week.
The ability to craft fully specified gear (slot, set, color) really needs to be added in when they revamp crafters. And at a less crippling aether cost … unless they mean it to be something that only the already-mythic-equipped end-gamers can make more than very occasional use of – particularly if there’s no other way (e.g. upgrading rarity) to advance or acquire desired items.