[REPORTED] Elven Owl Helm passive not working correctly

Platform, device and operation system

PC via BlueStacks

What were you expecting to happen, and what actually happened

Per the text on the helm, I expect to 15 purple and 15 blue mana when matching a big gem +3

What is happening is I am indeed getting the +15 blue mana but am getting zero purple mana.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?

Every battle with the helm

Steps to make it happen again

Equip the helm and match a big gem 3+

I will include a screen shot of the helm text, in case I am just reading it wrong.

I’ve passed this on, thank you!

Hello, to help understand this issue:

  1. Can you please describe how often it happens in battle: Every time? Some of the time?
  2. Does it happen with a different hero?
  3. Can you please describe how this looks in battle… Are you seeing the animation/effect for the mana being gained, but it is not increasing? Or is there no animation/effect AND no mana being gained?

if you happen to have a video that would be great. Thank you!

It happens in every battle and it is constant within each battle. In other words it fails to give purple mana each time I connect a 3+ big gem, every time I do so in a battle

It happens on all heros.

I’m afraid I’m not sure on the animation question. Either it happens too fast, I’m not sure what I am looking for there, or possibly is something I can’t see due to graphic settings.

The videos don’t all show the board swipes clearly. (using the bluestacks video beta) But I think you can tell what is happening.

I couldn’t edit my previous comment, so just rewrote it and added short videos. Since I received another one of these helms with the 0.36 gifts (yay? :eyes: :woman_facepalming:) and the helms still do not work correctly, I thought I’d bump this.

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When I attempted to repro this I noticed it filled Blue and Red, as opposed to blue and purple. While using my Necromancer…

Has anyone else noticed it is filling a different colour instead of purple?

This is my experience as well based on the screenshots below (Rare Elven Owl Helm equipped supposedly giving 10 purple and blue mana when matching a big gem III or above):

Spells before Skull IV match:

Spells after Skull IV match (blue and red have incremented by 10)

After Yellow Gem III match (blue and red spells have again incremented by 10, purple spell remains unchanged)

First, thank you for looking at this.

After testing it out with different spells my results were:

Blue mana spells: mana gained
Red mana spells: mana gained
Purple mana spells: no gain
Green mana spells: no gain
Yellow mana spells: no gain

Therefore it is either a typo in the description or it is improperly coded to red, where it should be purple.

My personal feeling is that it is the later. Neither elves, nor owls scream red to me, plus there is already gear that amplifies red spell builds.

I’ve updated my report that it is consistent across players, giving blue & red mana!

Jeto - Support Human :woman_mage:t2:

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