The **NEW** New Player Experience - 0.36 Edition

Levels 41-50 Update

I made it to Level 50!

Thanks to the recent update I now can roll right into earning XP for my citadel, giving me some potential additional edge for these harder chapters and not wasting XP for the foreseeable future. I have currently finished Chapter 12 and with my current build (mostly unchanged from before with one critical addition), I’m still able to handle fights pretty efficiently. Here’s my current loadout:

  • Got myself a Red Mastery Royal Longsword. Pretty awesome upgrade. Longsword is arguably the best weapon to get early on if you can get it in the right color
  • Really pleased with my current gear set bonuses especially the Guard-2 and Guard-4 which help with survivability
  • I utilized Eveline’s new ability to target the necessary upgrade materials for my Savior’s Helm and I’m currently set to upgrade my Longsword using the same method as soon as I get enough Greater Weapon Shards.
  • I continue to invest heavily in shards to keep my gear as levelled as possible; My current gear score is 973 while my Enemy Score in Chapter 13 is 1,458, just on the borderline between Hard/Very Hard

For reference, here is the current level of my Followers:

I keep my crafters as busy as possible to eek out spells and gear. Overall based on my gameplay time (usually an hour a day on this account) I’m able give each crafter one craft a day which is not bad all things considered.

At this point, I think my “new player” experience has run it’s course. Overall this has been a very useful experience but it’s time to get back to my main account.

Here’s my tips and takeaways for new players as of the 0.37 update:

  • Overall I thought the difficulty pacing is getting much better but you still rely heavily on fortunate early finds for easier progression (see later bullet on gear set bonuses)
  • If you are playing lots of hours early on, then get comfortable with salvaging chests. Don’t worry, there’s always more chests and later on they have even better value
  • Don’t be afraid to spend gems in the Daily offers to get shards for levelling gear. The prices for Minor, Lesser, and Greater Shards are pretty affordable and are critical to keeping up with the difficulty of the storyline progression
  • Do the Open PVP daily, it’s worth the rewards. Do the Restricted PVP just enough to get the weekly rewards; Do the Daily Restricted only if you have the time to waste. Your gear will limit you and feel like it takes forever to get the fights done
  • Look for Events with Spells and Weapons as Loot Table rewards and spend gems for extra attempts early on
  • Don’t spend gems on Eveline’s create relic ability but take advantage of her Exchange ability. This is an awesome way to target specific gear early on for valuable evolves
  • Dungeon 1 (Dragonguard Depths) and Dungeon 2 (Ruins of Morsauloth) have some of the best gear early on for benefitting from the new gear set bonuses. It’s worth spending some time doing some early dungeon farming to get some useful gear and gear set bonuses early.
  • Even at Level 50 and doing everything I could to progress, Daily Challenges can be frustrating given that Level 40 still feels out of reach; later on this is not as much of an issue but early on it can feel like you are constantly missing out on valuable additional daily items

Thanks to everyone that has followed along. I hope this helps new players and provides feedback that can benefit the developer. I feel very much the same way as my kingdom mate with regards to PvP, Equipment, and Kingdoms. Rather than rehashing it, check it out here:

See you on the battlefield of Etheria!

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