Hey everyone,
As our very early adopters of Puzzle Quest 3 you’ve had a very atypical experience of the game compared to players who will be starting after the official release, because you’ve been there with us from the start! Helping us improve the game to make it what it is today. You’ve been through all the changes to the game with us during this testing phase, some were cool, some were, in retrospect not great and it was in great part thanks to your participation and feedback that we were able to identify areas for improvement.
Thanks to this Early Access phase, the players who join our community for the official release will have a much better experience.
During this last week before the game officially launches we will be making further balance changes and we will not necessarily list out every change made. We need the flexibility to iterate on the balance now quickly and often and have always relied heavily on the game data to ensure those changes have the intended effect on the overall game balance and experience.
This is the nature of the Early Access beast - change fast, change often, wait for results, change again. On repeat until it feels right.
Balance changes made after the official release of the game will be documented in patch notes and there should be far less drastic balance changes after the official release thanks to everything we’ve done together throughout the Early Access.
There are 2 changes that I’ve been made aware of that will be going live today/this week:
- Eveline’s crafting options are going to be made generally cheaper/faster
- The scores required for the Chest Rewards in the Event Dungeons and Event Sieges will be adjusted to ensure they are all achievable rewards after the enemies in those Dungeons were made easier last week (which affected the scoring).
One of the biggest requests from our Early Access community is for increased inventory space.
I’ve raised this with the team again last week and we’ll be documenting more of the inventory space feedback for the team this week for further consideration.
If you would like to add to this discussion I would suggest posting in this existing thread here:
I feel like this is a good place to have the inventory space discussion and I’ll definitely be on the look out for any further comments about the matter this week partricularly.