Update 3.5 Patch Notes

Thank you for fixing autosnap in Adventures. It may only be small but every little helps.


It appears a few things were missed from the patch notes in the bug fixes & changes:

  • Diraqine Scimitar always shows light bonus irrelevant to weapon element
  • Diraqine 6 Set Blind Bonus not applying
  • [Not a bug but a balance change] Dwarven Ring doesn’t trigger Royal Set Bonus I
  • Various Seasons not rewarding correct Dungeon rewards (Ancient Coins)
  • Opening chat in Party causes you to leave party

What’s the 5% upgrade item for the Mirror Shield? It uses Runic set mythic relics for upgrading. There’s no such gear piece as a Runic Shield in the game currently. :thinking:

Edit: Never mind. The 5% upgrade item appears to be Runic Boots.

Edit 2: Saw something odd and discovered that the game is actually allowing ANY Runic gear piece to count as the 5% upgrade piece. A bit unusual, but ok.


Grungli and Eveline not progressing the Quest Pass crafting goal, should now be fixed


That Sins Long Forgotten Kingdom background bug, also gives a similar error message when picking any of the 3 chapters of that season for Party, to all the members of the party.

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One huge positive about this patch, that’s not directly on the patch notes is that it gives incentive to play Skirmish now for the extra shards in chests. As you’re basically farming skirmish for the extra shards to help make glyphs with Grungli now.


Weeeeeeeell… I believe I need to craft a lot of glyphs before feeling the need to do Skirmishes :yum:

But it is true that getting finally some use for all those shards feels nice :slightly_smiling_face:


Receiving lots of pings from kingdom mates that they can’t access Dragon’s Peak kingdom functions.

Checked in briefly from my phone at work and generated an error code. (On 3.5.0)


Got home, logged onto the Steam client and still crashing upon attempting to enter the kingdom screen.

Other guildmates also still reporting experiencing the same issue.

EDIT: Managed to brute force my way into the kingdom screen, attacked the dragon, won, and then crashed again. Presuming this is the same issue as the kingdom screen seems to be failing to load.

You tried uninstalling/reinstalling?

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Bleugh, yeah I have been pestering the team since your first comment to see if anyone can check on it and see if anyone around today can do something to resolve it.

But given we have not yet been able to locate a cause, I don’t know what can be fixed differently today. I’ll do what I can!



Did a Steam verification of files and no issues found there either.


And Ailile just showed me her phone and she is crashing too (as well as half the kingdom).

From what information I can get, there is one person who is getting a timeout error and then is locked out, which then causes everyone else in your Kingdom (in this instance) to also get an error, and be blocked

We are currently trying to look into this, but your Kingdom has a lot of data so it’s taking a little while to pull all of it up, to see try and see who is the starter for this instance.


As a curiosity, I think if I am interpreting this right, a Kingdom member timed out while idling on the Kingdom screen causing this issue?

I’ll need to follow up tomorrow as I couldn’t get an update on if they loaded all the Kingdom data before I finished for the day. I ended up poking, seeing as I am back again anyways, seems like we can only see that someone timed out and then triggered the lock.

A person sitting idle on the Kingdom screen would trigger the 30 min timeout, which prevents this happening.

But, the team is also working to clear out any unnecessary data that is being stored, causing the immense load time, which hopefully in future means we can load this data faster in future.


Seems to have affected the best kingdom last week and lesser kingdoms this week… :joy:

There are some missing files in today’s in-game announcements.


Im a little confused on why this variant wasnt given to dragon guard. With firewalker we are incentivized to run a pire fire build, which will simply load us with fire resistance.

This entire concept is covered for dark with a single item (night cloak)

The also suffers from the conundrum of having to generate and leave many fire gems on the board, to resist a fire enemies fire attack, thus feeding them mana to make said attack.

Just some feedback in general about alternate sets.

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Think I know the cause of this, but I’ll pass it on!

At first glance I figured it would be Dragon Guard as well. The advantage of putting it on Berserker though is red sets were kind of unnecessary IMO. They all help with mana, but Berserker really doesn’t need help in that regard once he gets going anyway. By making the variant sets fire based this helps cement him into top tier status which is good for the game. Dark has Night Set and Eldritch God sets, both of which are excellent. Also Flametree and Necrotic which are not as good, although Flametree has its own relic adventure which is helpful for anyone wanting to run the set. Necrotic Helm which is quite good now. I could see Flametree and Necrotic as candidates for future variant sets, assuming anymore are made after this season. Also Ancient Dragon’s 2 set bonus is pretty much excellent to run on any color build.

Actually, the beauty of this is you can fill the board with red gems and it doesn’t even matter if you feed your enemy mana since you’ll be 80% immune to it anyway. Night Set users will use this strategy for purple. Jeweled for yellow. Bloodfang/Buccaneer for blue, its a huge asset if you’re running these style of loadouts and not a liability at all, other than the KD Dragon who has spirit breath, which can instantly kill you if you feed him mana for it.