Update 3.5 Patch Notes

Minion spells are TBC, just because I want to post this asap and can edit them in later today or tomorrow once I have that last bit of information


Season 3.5 Temporal Variant Set: Firewalker


  • For each Gem of this Gear’s Color on the board, gain 0.5-1% Damage Resistance to that element. (Not including Physical)

New Legendary Item

Available only in the Cache items in the Season shop, this item will drop at Legendary rarity.

  • Soul of the Last (Ancient Draconic Set)
    • At start of turn, destroy -2-3 Gems, gaining a stat buff based on the colour of the gem destroyed.

“The Orb of Teltherasus has been lost for millenia. It was thought lost when he fell in battle, and was never recovered.”


Values in bold are affected by the Spellbook Level or Rarity of the Spell.

Light Refraction (160 Yellow Mana)

Convert 5-10 Purple Gems to Yellow, and 5-10 Green Gems to Blue

Rarity: Conversion Chance

Light Diffraction (160 Green Mana)

Convert 5-10 Yellow Gems to Red, and 5-10 Purple Gems to Green

Rarity: Conversion Chance


Bad Telly

Might: 3-60 Speed: 4-80 Cunning: 9-230

  • Versus Spell: Dark Breath (85 Purple Mana)
    • Deal X Dark Damage + 10% per Purple Gem

Good Telly

Might: 1-20 Speed: 9-175 Cunning: 5-105

  • Versus Spell: Lightning Breath (85 Yellow Mana)
    • Deal X Light Damage + 10% per Yellow Gem


Monarch Assassins

A monarch’s style is everlasting.


  • Monarch Paladins
    • Only available in the Platinum Season Pass
  • Platinum
    • Teltherasus The Last
  • Gold
    • Good Telly
    • Bad Telly
  • No Pass Needed
    • Prismatic Buffs



Grungli’s New Gig

Grungli’s skilled up and he’s got a couple new tricks up his very short sleeves!

  • At Level 40 Grungli can create a random Glyph for:
    • 5000 Shards of any type, 1000 Ore, 1 Grungli Crystal
  • At Level 50 Grungli can create a specific Glyph for:
    • 6500 Shards of the desired Glyph type, 1500 Ore, 2 Grungli Crystals
      • e.g. 6500 Weapon Shards + 1500 Ore + 2 Grungli Crystals will produce 1 Weapon Glyph


  • Season What’s New Menu is now interactable allowing extra details on the items to be shown
  • Choose-An-Item menu will now indicate choices that are unavailable based on other choices made (e.g. If you selected a Helm, you will see Gear Sets crossed out that do not have a Helm in the set)


  • Kingdom Bazaar should no longer give multiple deals of the same type
  • Controller cursor now auto-snaps to Continue button in post-Adventure results menu



  • Some unique items cannot be refined with +5% Quality
  • Northelm Side Quest should no longer become unresponsive during the final conversation


  • Season Portraits will now correctly count towards the Portrait Collection Goal
  • Defeating bosses & mini-bosses now unlocks them in the Bestiary


  • Some characters are still missing audio
  • Some enemies are seen in Recommended in the Adventurer’s Guide, but are missing from the Bestiary

@Jeto Wrong minion and character pics, those are the ones from last season. Actually most of the pics are the wrong pics, all from last season.

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Do you mean Dragonguard variant?

Ooooh… been waiting for the craftable Glyph recipe for a while. Because I believe this addition is in preparation for something coming soon in 4.x… :thinking:

Also, because it is tradition for me to do so at this point, every update… :stuck_out_tongue:


I fully downloaded 3.4 images all over again, instead of 3.5… hang on


So I love the changes to Grungli, he went from one of the worst to one of the best followers. My only worry with it is its kinda kills Farm Girls Day Out Adventure (specifically the long path). Maybe if some tweaks to farm girls happen like a higher level end spot on the long path so that the long path is actually worth taking. I just don’t see anyone taking the long path anymore for minion glyphs when they can just make them with Grungli. These are fixable issues of course, it just minor tweaks to adventures to keep people using both paths. Personally I’d go all out and make the long path last spot like level 200. People would take the long path for the chest.


Still need to find out what the variant set is? Dragon isn’t a set, I’m assuming its Dragonguard?

Same question, @Jeto , which is the original set ?

Please in future, if someone has already asked a question, there is no need to repeatedly post and then tag me - if I haven’t replied to the first instance, I am likely still waiting for info.

If it was days and there was a heap of different comments since the original question, then there is a chance I missed it or forgot - so a new comment is fine.


Some clarity on the Some unique items cannot be refined with +5% Quality

When refining items that do not have a gear set, sacrificial items that use the same relic for evolution will satisfy the same set restriction, allowing for a +5% quality increase. Such as Eveline Locket, and Night Amulet.

Additionally the shields from 2.5 caches (shield of corruption, celestial shied, risen shield etc.) also qualify as items of the same set as each other.

A note though, Refining does not work both ways. While you can use a Night Amulet to refine Eveline’s Locket, you cannot use the Locket to upgrade the Amulet - as the Amulet is part of a gear set with valid sacrifice options

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Grungli, the bearer of good news! It is great to finally get what we have asked for since so long, the ability to craft glyphs. The spell and gear rework were nice changes but came with a huge drawback: spellbook and battle scrolls being tied to each character. This has severely limited the ability to play with different classes, which I believe has always been (and should be) an important part of this game. Giving us the ability to craft glyphs through a follower should help end game players who want to try other classes than their main one. And, of course, it should open the path to releasing a new class without receiving a huge backlash due to the glyph issue.

Thank you!


From here I guess that there is still nothing about cache-only items? They are part of a gear set, but expecting us to refine them sacrificing other cache-only items is pretty unreasonable and make them worse than other items. I hope we end up getting the ability to refine them with items using the same relic, for example refining Shield of Anthrite with Khazdhuli items.


@jeto, your team is simply the best of the best!
Each next update is more awesome and more user-oriented than the previous one! Love how grungli becomes a star from a useless character!
Kudos x1000 to the team, you are awesome, really! :heart_on_fire:


Sorry, did i miss something? There were minion glyphs in farm girl?? I am pretty sure I was finishing it a few times but got zero glyphs. Or is it a paid one in the shop somehow?

I think the 3 biggest issues with the games that need to be addressed with future patches are The two biggest changes I think we need to see on a future patch are

  1. The cache gear of course, refining with the same season’s gear set so people can actually run the sets easier.

  2. A Jocea rework as she’s progressively gotten worse and worse. Maybe now that Grungli no longer gives shards Jocea could give a player double the prize…a random minion and minion shards. Just getting a bonus of minion shards alone would make her way better than she is now. You get minion shards in almost every chest anyway.

  3. Bazaar Rework - in some respects getting gems in adventures does fix bazaar, but the reward track for it is pretty bad towards the end.

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You can buy 2x minion glyphs in the merchant of the long path at 1200 gems each.

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I agree that a level 200 chest would inspire others to follow the hard path on the chance of immortal loot :pray:


Nice Grungli update :+1:

Now 15050 ore in the piccie, I wish!! :flushed:


Also spotted this, really wishing for that new cap as well (or even higher!)


What is the stat buff allocated for each gem colour?

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