2.5 Spell Rework

The image of the high-level hero’s spellbook shows that every level past 35 needs a spell glyph, with 2 for level 40, whereas now we only need to have 2 spell glyphs to get a spell to level 45.

Assuming that 1) glyphs will only start to be required at level 35, and 2) everything past level 40 will require 2 glyphs, then it will take 16 glyphs, rather than 2, to get a spell to legendary.

Please tell me I’m wrong. Please.

How do these spell changes affect Northhelm? Since he has the ability to increase spell storage, which is no longer necessary after the rework. Will there be compensation for the players that have already nvested in this ability

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You are mistaking the spellbook with individual spells. The spellbook is something unique to each hero that will increase damage, buff and mastery, so you only have to level up once for each hero and it will affect all its spells. So from 2.5 update on spell glyphs seems to be only necessary to level up Spellbooks, while individual spells won’t require spell glyphs for evolving (according to the published Spell evolution table).

We don’t know how many spell glyphs will be needed to update each spellbook to max level, but at least we will be able to max out all individual spell levels without having to spend 16 glyphs for each of them, which I believe it is a great improvement.


There you have it :wink:

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16 Spell Glyphs per character to max out the spellbook would be consistent with raising a weapon to 50 in both the number of Glyphs and the cost of each Glyph (2250 Gems / 900 Crowns).

As you mention, we don’t know the exact number of Glyphs to max out the spellbook yet, but 16 Glyphs makes logical sense.

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I’m going to try and answer what I can, so bear with me

  • Comp being sent for the spells is the levelling resources, not the evolution materials (I’ll adjust the post to specify), so it’s mostly Gold and Shards - also Glyphs depending on the level. As we have removed the levels from spells but not their rarity.

Wish I recorded my account before & after the change!

  • Spells in the Season will no longer have a 1 Stock, you can just keep purchasing them in the Season.
  • To your question from yesterday @Lyrian

In 2.5 there are no longer levels on Spells, so if your Spellbook is level one and you are using a Common Spell and that is dealing 98%+ damage then it might be something to look into further! In saying that, you aren’t wrong with how it works currently in 2.4.

It is something we are looking into but if we were to make some changes to lean more into damage increase by levels (now Spellbook levels) or even Hero levels, there would then possibly need to be changes elsewhere.

We also have Gear changes coming out later this year as well and like anything, we are always going to be making changes and balancing things!

  • The salvaged Spells in 2.5 will use the same code as though you salvaged them in 2.4. So you can even salvage your duplicates now if you like, there is no benefit or penalty to waiting for the update.

  • Thought it was shown above but I must have used different heroes - as most active forum players have level 50 accounts, this is my current spellbook for my level 50 Necromancer.

I had more Spell glyphs, but I dumped them into my other heroes spellbooks.

There is an increase in the Glyphs required once your Spellbook reaches level 45.

I’ll jump back in here when I have some more information to share! :sparkles:

That’s a lot of glyphs. Is that for each class too?

Does that mean you wont get glyphs for spells below Level 46?

see high level Glyph screenshot

Umm… raises hand.

So, if my eyes aren’t betraying me here:

  1. Raising the spellbook level raises the mastery of all spells, just like it does in 2.4 (though now at the highest rates in 2.4 at 2 mastery per level for all spells).

  2. For direct damage spells, raising the spellbook level moves the minimum spell damage towards the maximum possible spell damage. At 50, maximum spell damage is always achieved.

If that is the case,

  1. The linear spell damage issue from 2.4 still exists in 2.5. Spells continue to be the only stat mechanic in the game that scales linearly with level increases, whereas all other mechanics in the game operate exponentially on level up (Armor, Accessories, Weapons, All Enemy Stats).

As the spellbook level now acts as a proxy for all spells’ levels, level 1 spells will not be a thing as 35 will almost assuredly be the minimum for everyone before Glyph costs per level.

  1. On the other hand, in 2.4, raising spells from Mythic 45 to Mythic 50 was mostly a pointless affair and generally only done for perfect gear score bragging rights. Damage increases were extremely marginal, and benefits for non-damaging spells were marginal to non-existent for some spells.

In 2.5, from the screenshot above:

  • If a player leveled the spellbook to 45, the difference between 45 and 50 is:
    • 10 less mana mastery per spell (trivial)

    • Damage range at 90% - 100%, instead of 100% - 100%, so a damage loss of up to 10% per direct damage spell cast. (a bit more significant, but still generally trivial overall in most situations)

    • At a cost of 40 Spell Glyphs. That’s (40 * 2250) = 90000 Gems or (40 * 900 = 36000 Crowns).

Why in the world would I want to spend that kind of resources chasing out these last five levels? This is more of a disincentive for those last five levels than in 2.4.

So, this begs the question… in 2.5 do all spells have a damage penalty applied to them that can only reversed by leveling up the spellbook to 50? :thinking:


Hmm … very good thaughts Lyrian, but I disagree a bit with one point.

10 less spell mastery per spell isnt trivial and it also wasnt trivial in 2.4.
People said it is not worth it already in the old system, but I experienced that upgrading even 1 spell to 50 made a diffrence and not a small one.
More damage, more mana, and in some cases better chances to trigger the effect or the e.g. gem/skull outcome of the spell … so I think it has more impact then you actually think and had always more impact then most ppl believed.

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Just quickly

  • Each hero will have a spellbook to level - there isn’t a class spellbook. So each duplicate hero class you have, will have their Spellbook levelled to either their highest hero class spell, or to their hero level.

    • As an example, if I had another Necromancer that was only level 10, the spellbook would be level 10 and not the level 30+ it was for my level 50 Necromancer due to Hero Class Spells.
  • As you don’t spend Glyphs on Spell levels till level 45 - so you will get Glyphs back on spells levelled beyond 45

The spell book and the cost of glyphs are (I believe) intended to be similar to if you were levelling 4 spells at once.
Previously, spending Spell Glyphs, for me at least, felt gradual cos you were spending them on a spell or two here or there and then it felt like such a huge jump in 2.5 till I thought of it like I was upgrading multiple spells at once by levelling my spellbook.

For your post Lyrian, I’ve passed it on to the team for more specifics as I don’t mind admitting this is beyond what I can answer!

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It costs 2 spell glyphs to go to Legendary (level 35).

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That is the screen to go up in rarity not in level, that spell is already level 35. The block before it would have been to level this spell to level 35 > then it’s level rarity > then level 36

Ok, still did not get it complettly.
Rarity of spells will still have an impact on spell stats, right?
So will you also need glyphs to raise rarity in future or will you upgrade it by finding more spells only?
Edit: Or will rarity automatically raise with spellbook level? So spells raise in level and in rarity?

The rarity of spells impacts stats - yes
Do you use Spell Glyphs for spells still - no, spell glyphs are only used for the Spellbook in 2.5. To upgrade your Spell rarity you need spell pages (more copies of the spell) and spell scrolls.

Thx, got it now … means spells will be converted according to the rarity they actually have.
Next question, a now level 50 spell (maxed) then will have mythic rarity, mythic + or ancient mythic?
or equal, a level 35 legendary will have other rarity then a level 45 legendary spell? (legendary or legendary+?)

For 200 coins each though? That’s going to be pricey if so.

The Spells you have now aren’t changing in rarity, they will stay the same.

So if you have a Mythic Spell, it will still be a Mythic spell but you can now increase it’s rarity another 2 rarities.

If you have any Legendary Spells, it will stay a Legendary spell. No Spell is getting an increase/decrease in their rarity in this update, so none will be transformed into X+ rarity.

The level of a spell before 2.5 (I believe) is irrelevant, as we are removing spell levels and why we will be sending back those level resources - the focus is on the Spell rarity and now your Spellbook level.

As for Season Spells, it is not 200 coins a Page, it is 200 coins for x5 pages.


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Can you farm that Season’s dungeon for Season specific spell pages?

Otherwise the purchase cost from the Season Shop might be nigh-impossible to fund?

For example if Legendary requires 700 pages, at 5 pages per purchase, that’s (700/5) * 200 ancient coins = 28000 coints just to go from Epic+ to Legendary. That’s rather extreme for just Legendary rarity on a single Seasonal spell.

Thx again Jeto, but that means, you will highen prices and grinding a lot … again.
And you sell it as improvement.
Dont think that is the way to get more long time players.
This will even highen the burnout syndroms most ppl have after a while playing your game.
And even more will leave.