In the interest of keeping things organized and feedback easy to search, I am starting a feedback thread for Borderlands Bash April 2024. In theme with my other thread, lets go with the good, the bad and the ugly.
The Good -
The difficulty felt appropriate for this challenge. I was able to consistently do the top difficulty, which had the additional bonus payout of ancient coins. Speaking of…
Ancient coins are such a welcome addition to adventures. Through this I was able to purchase every single pet, from every season that I own that I was missing. A lot of grinding, but I felt like the poy off was worth it.
Energy holding over to the next run (same difficulty). Wonderful to see this continuing.
I prefer a straight replayable event, as opposed to a “do it one time” thing, even if there are workarounds. Keep it simple, it doesnt need to be complicated.
A shop in the middle where you can spend just regular gold to buy runes. While I dont use them as much now, having a place to sink gold is a blessing. Moving on to my next point…
The bad
- Fully acknowledging that this is a topic I seem to come back to, but my goodness. Y’all. Please figure out something with gold capping. I dont even care what I can spend it on. There is no way in any stretch of the imagination that I can spend to keep up with how much I earn. I every day spend on every single thing that is offered to me, and within minutes of me doing my daily missions I am capped. That does not encourage me to keep playing, in fact it does the opposite. I kept at this event because I needed scrolls worse that the feeling I got by constantly being gold capped. but that attitude will only persist so long.
The Ugly
- Another event, another experience with painful user experience and WAY too many clicks and scrolls for a console user. I am hoping and praying that I can activate the auto battle before the potion screen comes up, just so I can avoid one click (as I turned on the option that will click through the potion screen). If I happen to not be fast enough I have to scroll down to the button to confirm I am not using it and then back up to the auto play button. Maybe this is not so bad for a mobile user, but on a TV screen and using a controller it is a painful (and annoying) time wasting experience.
What are your thoughts?