Unfortunately today is the last day at Infinity Plus 2 for Kafka and Bramble from our Community team.
Kafka has of course been with us from the beginning, while Bramble you may know from the Gems of War community. At IP2 we work very closely with our people in Community, so they will both be very missed by all of us here.
Moving forward, we will be working more closely with the wonderful folks at 505 Games, who will be helping us out with support tickets and forums and other community bits and pieces. You will also, of course, still have @Jeto right here for you on PQ3.
Bear in mind that as we’re in a bit of a transition phase at the moment, things may take a little longer than they normally would, but we’ll be endeavoring to make sure this phase is as short as possible.
You folks are wonderful so I don’t have any worries, but I’d also remind you to be kind and patient with any new faces/screennames you may see popping up as they get used to things and learn the ropes.
I’ve been so used to seeing Kafka over the years that this hits a bit tough. Not that I know him, but any post from him I knew would not be BS. It might not be what I wanted to hear, but it would be a straight shot.
Mobile gaming is still hard for me to wrap my head around. Back when you only had offline play and AAA titles, you were not connected to the people making your games nearly as much.
Kafka’s a she and I’ve “known” her, at least in her work persona, for most (if not all?) of the seven years she worked for IP2. Once, in the very early days of PQ3, I had the honor of talking to her directly via DIscord voice call. She really cared about the community and put her heart into her work. I hope IP2 was able to assist her to land on her feet with her future endeavors.
From the equivalent news post on the GoW side of the forums,
As for Jeto, they are still here working on Gems of War and Puzzle Quest 3, but their role has also transitioned!
Congrats to Jeto on her new role. As CX is being handled by Sorum from 505 going forward, perhaps this is an associate producer role for her? Wish her the best as well in her role with the studio.
Thank you for your concerns regarding potential mis-gendering.
Yes, I am 100.00% sure my phrasing was accurate. Way back in the day, Kafka at times joined the previous community manager, Salty, on weekly streams that are still on the Internet to this day. Those can be looked up, if one wishes to do so.
Thank you everyone for your support for Kafka (she/her) and the journey she is now going on. I’ll definitely pass on your kind words!
For now think of my role as a Jeto-of-all-trades currently, as the transition period I expect will be a long one.
You should not see too much change here, other than as Morgz mentioned, some extended times hearing back from me or replies to tickets - as there is the most movement on the Gems of War side.