Evaluation of the 2.5 Spell Rework

Hi folks,

Sorry it’s been a while. As some of you guessed, we’re a little short at the moment.
We also didn’t want to jump in repeatedly saying “we hear you and we’re working on it” because even if that is the case, it gets hollow (and annoying) quickly. I wanted to come back to you with something, which is what I’m here to do now!
That said, I apologise if our (or my) silence on the issue since my last comment has come across like we have not been taking you seriously.

Okay, so-

There was a few separate pain points raised here and in other posts throughout the forum, but to us, it seems that several of them stem from a couple of overarching issues (which are not news to anyone here and that you folks have correctly identified):

  1. It’s too difficult to get and upgrade Spells in the early game
  2. There’s not enough Spell Pages in circulation to support you Evolving your Spells

As I mentioned, there’s a few other points, but for short term, these would be the two biggest things to address.
We will be making some changes soon™ that should help alleviate these two major points while we continue to work on medium to longer term things.

  • We will be doing an across the board increase in the rates of Spell Page drops in Chests and Season Caches
  • We will reduce the random element in Spell Offers
  • The exception to the above is that we will be introducing a Random Spell Pages for Gold offer into the Offers in the Shop (which might also help with some of those Gold balances)

We will let you know specifically when we expect these changes to be going out, but watch this space. It won’t be another 2 weeks between updates on this one.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who did write up feedback and send it in. You’re all very understandably frustrated, but myself, Kafka, and the rest of the CX team have appreciated that you’ve all been fair as well as eloquent, and, honestly, very calm considering.
