Gameplay Feedback Part 2- Menus/Navigatibility

(continued from previous post)

Menu Grouping

The menu items are grouped a bit strangely, which makes it hard to find things sometimes. The tab with all the battles being called ‘World’ instead of ‘Battles’ is already being addressed, thankfully, and that change alone will make things easier to find. However, there are other improvements that could be made too.


First of all, the friends menu is rather hard to reach where it is right now. There’s space for one more icon in the bar at the top, so perhaps it could go there? That way it would be easy to access, which would encourage the social aspects of the game.


The ‘Kingdom’ should definitely get its own separate tab in the bottom nav. There’s just so much stuff in that one screen that’s a link to another important screen with tabs. Raising all of that a level means easier ability to find things and a lot less taps to navigate, as it would then have access to its own side tabs.

The first side tab could be named either ‘Info’ or ‘Overview’, and it could display the kingdom overview, kingdom activity, the kingdom message, the kingdom settings (which are currently buried in levels of menus and hard to find), and the player’s rank.

The second tab could be ‘Roster’, and it could display the kingdom’s roster. This information is referenced often by players, so it having its own tab would be beneficial.

The third tab could be either ‘Activities’, ‘Battles’, or ‘Defense’. ‘Activities’ is most future-proof, as it still works if there are ever any kingdom activities added to the game that aren’t battles. This tab could contain Kingdom Defense and any kingdom activities added in the future.

The fourth tab could be ‘Treasury’. This is less strictly necessary than the other changes, but there’s enough space for it to have its own tab, so it might as well. It will make it easier to access.

The fifth and final tab could be Bazaar, as it is used multiple times daily by players, and thus deserves to have its own tab for easy access.

Here’s an example (with the guild info censored):

Something like this would make it a lot easier to use the kingdom. And having a tab for it in eyesight all the time will remind players to participate!


I think the ‘Parties’ tab should be renamed to Multiplayer (as this name is much easier to understand immediately) and made its own separate tab in the bottom nav. I think it’s likely possible to put one more tab into the bottom nav without making things squished, and that would be the ideal location for it. (If not, moving it to ‘Battles’ would be my secondary choice.) The menu for multiplayer could use some improvement as well, but since multiplayer’s function needs an overhaul too, and it’s an important enough aspect of the game that it deserves its own post, I’ll include the menu stuff in a separate post about it.


I understand that the goals are likely in the tavern because they give stat boosts however, them being here just feels rather weird. Perhaps the ‘Quest’ tab could be reworked to contain both goals (/regular quests) and quest pass quests. and the goals tab could be changed to be ‘Stat Buffs’ or something instead and only show the stat rewards from the quests. Having the quests be more accessible and bringing them to the front more as goals to work towards rather than something that players get almost by accident while playing (like how it seems to be now) would be a big step in improving the player experience.


I think the Citadel should get its own separate tab in the tavern. This would make more sense and improve ease of use.


**I think the Quest tab could use a revamp as well, as the information is just not laid out well, making it look complicated and confusing. I’ll give that its own separate post as well though.


If you read this far, thank you very much! I know it was a big wall of text. But there’s a lot to discuss! These are all ways I think the menus could get improved, to help keep alive a game that has the potential to be really great. Hopefully this gets the conversation started for other people’s ideas as well, and that the devs are able to take some inspiration from all of our ideas! Let me know what you think!