Glyph drop rate is way off compared to legend/mythic scrolls/runes

I understand your feedback, but I want to reiterate that this is not the intended primary source of Glyphs and Relics. Once the primary source is in game we can observe how players get these resources, and if it’s not enough we can then tweak either, or even both, the primary source and the chest drop.

I understand the drop is low now, but the drop is not our primary concern at this time, as we want to see how things go with the next update when the main source of these resources is introduced before changing the existing system. (Otherwise, what will likely happen is this… we change the drop rate for make players happy, new primary source of these resources is introduced and then players are getting too many too quickly, and we have to revert the drop rate to what it was, which will understandably upset players even further.)

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