[INVESTIGATING] 3-Day Event Dungeon Scoring Bug

Hey all,

This is still being investigated by the team and we are investigating every new report as they are made.

This is something I am still waiting for some further information on from the development team, so I apologise for the lack of update recently.

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Updating to this.

The development team believe they have a fix for this but currently haven’t been able to reproduce what is occurring under normal repeatable circumstances.

So they are following this up further, establishing some steps to reproduce this, before it is then passed on to QA. Just awaiting some further update!

Jeto - Support Human :woman_mage:t2:


And three and half more weeks until that bug is addressed… :pensive:

Endlessly optimistic. Helplessly hoping that one day, maybe one day.

The Unexplained Journey continues:

Hey all,

Just wanted to come in and give a further update as to where we are at in regards to the ongoing leaderboard scoring issue. As mentioned previously, the team has found the cause of the issue and has passed on what information they have for further testing and then after this will be passed onto QA.

What was happening was throughout the Event battles at random junctions the points rewarded for completing a battle were doubled, which is why it was harder to track down and try to reproduce as there appeared to be no consistency as to when this would occur throughout the battles completed.

At this stage, there will be a fix going out in v1.01 and we will continue to monitor this closely going forward.

There will also be a global mail going out, with compensation.

Jeto - Support Human :woman_mage:t2:


I trust RedRose will be excluded from this compensation, as they have obviously been deliberately abusing the bug and causing grief for many of the other players!?

The compensation to thousands lost is likely 50 gems so would it matter?