Platform, device and operation system
Samsung Galaxy s10+
What were you expecting to happen, and what actually happened
I tried to remove a user from the kingdom, and they were removed. When I went back to the social kingdom tab, the user is back in the kingdom.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Everytime I remove a follower. I am ranked as a duchess
Steps to make it happen again
Go to kingdom tab, remove 1 or more users from kingdom.
Go back into the kingdom and the user I back in the kingdom
I was able to kick someone successfully and it worked right away. I did need to reload the social tab for it to show 29/30 members in top left corner though.
We kicked 3 the other day but it took a few hours for the changes to take place. After the kicks it would appear as if they had been removed but then when refreshing the social tab they would appear back on the roster. We gave up but then a couple hours later noticed that we were at 27/30 so at some point it took effect.
We were going through our first round of kicks and the queen had removed one user. We did see the delay of some time when that player was kicked, but they were removed after 20-30 minutes
I had been promoted the first day it occurred. I did experience the issue a few days later where removing the user was delayed, but that time they were removed within 30 minutes
3 Kingdom members were attempting the kicks in our situation. Ranks were King and 2 @ Duke
I had been recently promoted. The other Duke had been at that rank for several weeks. The King was promoted to that rank about 2 weeks ago. The original King (the starter of the Kingdom) had left the Kingdom about 2 weeks ago
For those experiencing the problem, what rank are you trying to kick a player as?
Trying to kick Lord/ladies
Has anyone been kicked from the Kingdom before?
Yes, and had this issue nearly every time
Had you promoted or been promoted before that?
I had not been promoted as I created the kingdom, however those members had been promoted up one rank from Lord or Lady to Baron/ Baroness before being demoted to Lord Lady again after some time and then attempted to kick after some further days
For those experiencing the problem, what rank are you trying to kick a player as?
Iā, Duchess and the Kin and Queen also tried to kick the person.
Has anyone been kicked from the Kingdom before?
Had you promoted or been promoted before that?
I posted a ticked 7 days ago no reply.
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Created August 11, 2021 00:15
Id #105596 Status open
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