[Reported] Adventure hanging up after complete

Platform, device version and operating system
Steam, Windows 11

Screenshot or image

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened
After finishing ‘The Coin Collector’ adventure the game in “hang up” with the empty screen. But tool buttons on the top of the screen was working and I “reseted” the game by switching the hero. All is on the video.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I got this bug three times today. But another 3 or 4 runs finished without any problems…
During all runs I used the same hero and autofight.

Same thing has happened to me today on Coin Collector a few times. (PS5)

Yep, same here. (IOS). And the game does not start for the first time after that. You have to close the application again then it loads up.

This happened to me after finishing the latest adventure Storm the Prison.
Oneplus nord 2 5G Android 13

Also happened the previous adventure or possibly the one before that. When it happens once… Well these things happen but now it’s happened 2x to me in close succession. Menus’s work as in original post.

Previously I had no luck reproducing this, which is weird cos it sounds like it should be as simple as just finishing the Adventure

Had you collected all your rewards before this screen, was there anything weird you noticed prior, did you open chat or collect mail at all - as in leaving the Adventure screen in the background?

Trying to get as much information to try and pinpoint a trigger