[Reported] Boss Rush level reset from 200 to 120 due to prog error

Hi @Jeto

On PS5. I defeated the Scourge of Light at level 200 in Boss Rush, but the game softlocked as the Victory screen wouldn’t initiate (which isn’t the first time). Obviously, being unable to do anything, I had to close the app and reopen it.

Usually in this situation after reopening the app, the death animation occurs and the Victory screen follows but, on this occasion, I received the error RE-TRDDATRY and the app restarted again. Unfortunately, for me, it reset my Boss Rush to level 120 and thus my winning streak has also been reset.

Rather annoying and frustrating.

I’ve provided a video here of what happened after I reopened the program. (Apologies for the heavily compressed video lol). Obviously it can’t be resolved but I wanted to bring it to your attention. Cheers.


This sounds exactly like an issue we have had in the past, where a player sees a victory screen but in the back end they have actually lost the fight…

I’ll dig up the old report and pass it onto the team

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@Swivel you didn’t randomly get a potions pop up during that battle did you?

As a Boss Rush battle is against one opponent, if you did, that would likely be the cause of this error, because they should not trigger potion altars

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There was no random Potion pop up during the battle @Jeto . Tbh I’ve never seen or heard of that before?

I did definitely win the battle though so not sure why the backend would be registering it as me being defeated?

Hopefully it was just some extremely random occurence, but thank you for looking into it.

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