There is a bug when using both Diraquine leggings and Dragonking axe. I have done several tests and I am pretty sure that when the enemy is blinded Dragonking axe’s bonus damage doesn’t apply if you have Diraquine leggins equipped. If the enemy is not blinded, then it works correctly. Please, could you look into this and try to fix it?
Thank you very much.
In order to give you more infor about the bug, here are the tests I did:
First, I used my loadout without Diraquine leggings, screenshot attached:
In the battle, my tentacle slap does 34,494 base damage, my dark damage bonus is +157%, the enemy is blinded and there are 15 purple gems on the board. That means that the final damage should be = base damage x dark damage multiplier x bonus multiplier (jeweled gauntlets bonus + dragonking axe bonus) = 34,494 x (1+1.57) x (1+0.3+0.1+0.02x15) = 150,704. And when I cast the spell, I get that exact number:
Next, I try again changing only Savior pants with Diraquine leggings.
This time my tentacle slap does 34,382, my dark damage is +155.95%, the enemy is blinded and there are 13 purple gems on the board. That means that the final damage should be = 34,382 x (1+1.5598) x (1+0.3+0.1+0.02x13) x diraquine leggings extra damage = 146,081 x diraquine extra. However, when I cast the spell, my damage is much lower: 119,679. More or less the damage I would expect without Dragonking axe’s bonus damage.
In order to minimize the possible interactions, I unequip everything and use only Dragonking axe and Diraquine leggings. Again, if the enemy is blinded my damage is significantly lower than the expected: I should be doing at least 23k damage (+ diraquine leggings extra damage) but I only do 17k damage, what I would expect to do without the axe’s extra damage.
When the enemy isn’t blind, however, I do exactly the expected damage. Therefore, I am pretty sure that Diraquine leggings ability is somehow interacting with Dragonking axe’s ability and “erasing” it. I haven’t tried with other gear pieces, but there may be bugs in other interactions too.