[Reported] Diraquine Scimitar Damage Bonus

Diraquine Scimitar might be bugged. Never noticed before, because the mythic yellow version of the weapon says (the one I have) "If the enemy is blind, add 18% to my Light Damage Bonus. The problem though is when you run other colors of the weapon like green for example, it says add 18% to my Poison Damage Bonus, Purple is Dark Damage, etc. But when you check your battle stats there is no Poison, Fire, Dark bonus, its always 18% Light Damage Bonus. So either the weapon description is incorrect or its not working as intended.


Thanks for writing this up @KenpoKid69

Tonight was my first time using it as i was chasing spells and pulled one. Tested it and it’s not working as it says.
I’m curious of what the group thinks, thanks @Jeto .


@Jeto Also I’m not sure the blind set bonus is working properly either?

Blind reduces physical attacks by 50%. Diraquine 6 set bonus increases effectiveness of blind to 66% at mythic. Wither would then increase the blind to 99% right? But it doesn’t seem to be nearly that good. If you could check that too maybe, it would be appreciated.


I’ve added it to my holiday notes to follow up on as well


I have just tried a green diraquine scimitar and it adds light damage indeed.

Not acording to my calculations. Wither makes blind and hex apply twice: damage x 0.5 x 0.5 = damage x 0.25 (75% reduction). Therefore, with a 66% blind effect the final effect would be: damage x 0.34 x 0.34 = damage x 0.1156 (88.44% reduction).

However, the issue seems to be that the Diraquine 6 set bonus isn’t working at all. I have tried with an epic 6 piece bonus and blind only reduces weapon damage by half intead of the 60% stated.


This math is correct, because its multiplicative, not additive.

Its also possible, in the case of including wither, that the game hard caps at some amount (maybe 80% like everything else lol) but would need confirmation of that. However if there is 0 bonus then it has to be a bug, since they wouldnt make an item like this if it intentionally doesnt work, wither or otherwise.


Normally Blind is 50% and with wither it becomes 75%. So in theory it would be 66% at mythic and 99% with wither. Whatever the case, it seems weaker than what its supposed to be. But we’ll see, I guess?

I don’t think so. I guess your assumption is that withers increases blind effect by +50% (50% x 1.5 = 75% and therefore 66% x 1.5 = 99%). However, I see 2 issues with this:

  1. It doesn’t seem to fit very well the definition of wither: “double effect of negative status effects”.
  2. Poison and burn get a 100% increase in their effect, not 50% (increasing extra damage from 25% to 50% and increasing burn damage from 3% to 6% respectively).

I believe the way wither works in the case of blind and hex is by applying the negative effect twice. This would still make normal 50% blind into 75% (if you reduce damage by 50% and then reduce the result by 50% again you get a total of 75% reduction), but in the case of the 66% blind that would mean a total 88.44% damage reduction.

Nevertheless, since the diraquine 6 piece set bonus doesn’t seem to be currently working (still giving only 50% for blind) speculating about the effect of wither on it doesn’t make much sense until it is fixed.

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Also, looks like there are some other issues we found, such as the Blind bonus isn’t applying but blind reduction is twice (as it should but, blind bonus should have also applied)

The team is slowly coming back from today, so this is being investigated further!

Waiting for an explanation of how blind+wither works for y’all as well Actually, what Higure has written, is correct!

Wither makes blind apply twice. so Damage * 50% * 50% creates a 75% damage reduction,
with a Mythic Diraqine6 the equation becomes Damage * 34% * 34% for a 88.44% damage reduction