[Reported] Making glyph with lvl50 Grungli is not working

Making glyph with lvl50 Grungli is not working
If i push the create button of random or specific glyph then nothing happen and the game is not response.

Just a quick check, are you selecting the shards you want to use to do the exchange? To create a glyph you have first to click on the left diamond (with a + and “x5,000” or “x6,500” inside) and select which type of shards you want to use (whichever you prefer in the random option, shards of the same type as the glyph you want on the specific option). Only then the CREATE button becomes green and you can click it to get the glyph. I have done it for both options and it worked fine.

no. no shards, no new window appears on right!
When i click the create glyph button or random glyph the game is not response. I can not do anything. i have to push alt+f4 to close the entire game.

Oh, so it crashes the game. It works well for both of my accounts, so if it is a game error I cannot say much more. Maybe the update didn’t go well and some files have been corrupted. You can always try to uninstall and then install the game again to see if it helps (but make sure you have registered your account before in settings → account → register to avoid losing access to it). I hope the devs can help you.

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Thanks Higure, i think this is a kind of error which occurs maybe during the update or simple game bug. I have registered my account already.
Is the game automatically save my game to cloud? I do not want to lose my save.

Yes, the game is always saved automatically, if you have registered it next time you enter with your account it will be at the last point you left it.

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Yes, i have tested both on win 10 and 11. The save is working, but grungli glyph making not! Thanks higure for the info.

Thank you so much! I have tested both on win 10 and a clear win 11. Grungli glyph making is not working. The game is not response. Thanks for the info mich.

What is the system do you use?

Mobile - Android (post must be at leas 20 characters)

@epyx73 can you get a video of this please - so recording from selecting Grungli up until you experiencing this issue.

Also what is your name code?

Same with @MiCh what’s your name code?


What mobile device are you using?

Also, when playing on steam, how much ram does your pc have? Also is it on a pc/laptop or another device that has Steam, like a Steamdeck or tablet

Seems this issue is related to system language :face_exhaling:

If your system settings (not your in-game settings) are set to some languages other than English, for example Hungarian, then it is causing this issue.

Not sure exactly what languages are having the issue (other than Hungarian), and which are not (other than English) currently.
But from what we can see in the backend for accounts experiencing crashing at this point, all have their system language set to Hungarian.

This is why it’s affecting some players and not all players.

It will require a client fix unfortunately as well, from what we can see.

dear Jeto,
I use a PC with Steam on win 10, but i have tested on win 11. When i click the create random/specific glyph create button of lvl 50 Grungli the game is not response so freeze. I have to push alt+F4 button to close it. My computer has 16/32 G of RAM. My name is Epyx in the game, and i am Hungarian so my system language is hungarian too. Please feel free to ask me for any info regarding this bug issue… Are you a developer?

As mentioned, we have found the issue due to players who have their System Settings set to Hungarian - if you change it to English, you won’t have this issue with Grungli - or at least change it when you want to craft with Grungli or play PQ3, and revert it back after.

I understand completely that that is not an option for some people, as some players don’t speak English - but currently we cannot release a fix for this till the next update is released, as it requires a client fix.

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What is your nationality Mich ?

I think the language issue is a bullshit (sorry), although i am not a developer. What is the different between eveline crystal converting/northelm creating and grungli glyph creating window ?

Yes, i can make a video from this issue, but how do you will look it?

Dear Jeto,
Thank you so much for the quick info. I have tested the settings. I have set the language to english,. The solution is temporarly good for me…I hope you solve this issue as soon as possible. Thanks!

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