Platform, device version and operating system
Windows 10 x64, Android 8.0.0
Screenshot or image
Apparently I’m not allowed to upload screenshots, otherwise there would be one right here.
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened
While doing dungeons under the Battles tab under Season 1.2, the banner announcing I was about to fight the Hellion appeared, but didn’t go away and the board never appeared. I could see my character and the Hellion moving in the background, so it wasn’t completely frozen. Eventually, I simply quit the game and restarted it, and that made the board appear and let me proceed with the battles.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
So far this has happened all 4 of the times I’ve done season dungeons today: 3 on Windows and then 1 on Android.
Steps to make it happen again
It happened at the same spot during each of the 4 season dungeon battles I’ve done today. The boss was the Hellion each time, so I don’t know if it’s him specifically or bosses in general.
Other things I’ve done today where the problem did not pop up:
daily challenge dungeons
event battles
tourney battles
any other enemies within chapter dungeons (including mid bosses)
chapter skirmishes
chapter story battles (no dungeons today so I don’t know about them)
+1 to the bug report count on this one, verifying what everyone else has previously reported.
The introductory animation for the Hellion is failing, resulting in softlocks. Presuming the Hellion uses most of the Hellcat’s introductory animation, the portal portion of the animation is failing to execute properly, resulting in the game state pictured in Sibellos’s post.
As Marin notes, the instance resumes intended functioning upon manual force closing and restarting of the game.
Thank you for reporting this bug. I have reported this to the Development Team who now are currently investigating the issue so they can get a fix out asap!