My game won’t recognize my X button inputs anymore. It started today around noon, at first only occasionally, so I tried exiting the game and reloading. That’s when my X button inputs would be ignored completely and I can’t even log back into the game since I’m stuck at the start screen where I’m supposed to press X.
I’m on PS5.
I asked the team about SONY controllers, as I don’t have a console myself - there is an issue where if you do not move the cursor/analogue sticks initially it won’t recognise button inputs but then will fix itself.
Is this something you have experienced, your X button won’t work initially and then resolves?
I’ve noticed the cursor jumping to the upper right corner once I move the left stick (it also did that before the bug occurred), yet still no luck pressing X. Before I got locked out of the game entirely (while I could still play) I noticed the game would sometimes not take my X button inputs (every other button worked fine as far as I could tell). It kept getting worse until it wouldn’t take my X input at all, so I closed the game and couldn’t get back in at all.
I haven’t yet tried reinstalling the game, either way I figured I should report this bug.
To be precise: the cursor does change when I press X, but nothing else happens. I’ve tried other games on my PS5 and the X button works fine in those.
Have you tried resetting the controller?
It isn’t stick drift, I’m pretty certain the game does that on purpose. It never happens anywhere else, neither this game nor in any other game or PS5 menu.
The issue is now resolved and I could get back into the game without any problems. I didn’t actively do anything.