Significance of special items(swamp soaked etc..)

Have a handful of items, all common or uncommon level gear that has special ‘enhancements’ such as swamp soaked, etc.

What am I missing here? No higher level drops or anything. What is the significance of these special items? As for now just taking space in inventory. Any info?

They are for the most part, superior versions of their original counterparts. They have all the abilities of the original gear, but with their addition variant power. Swamp Soaked for example has a 50% per different swamp soaked piece you’re wearing (up to 6) to turn a blue gem into a green gem. So 6 pieces will turn 6 gems, when it triggers.

The only time you wouldn’t want to use this gear is if it conflicts with the loadout you’re currently using. Say you’re using a blue/green loadout, then maybe you don’t want your blue gems turning green? But generally speaking, the variant abilities will enhance your loadout, if its a good one.

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