So here we are, over 6 months into this PQ3 “Early Access”, with no news from the guys making this game acknowledging if we are being heard about our cries for a better way to have kingdoms run and exist. So much of the kingdom design currently entails absolutely no group effort targets and are completely individualistic
Here is what has been ignored so far:
A “Last Seen” feature showing when the last time a player was logged in
Showing what kingdom a player is in from their detailed info
A fairer bazaar system for full and active kingdoms
More preview details about a particular kingdom available to people that not already in one
What ranks do in a kingdom
A place to have information anywhere on how to achieve a promotion in a kingdom
A place to put in a detailed brief about your kingdom
A way to have custom ranks available in your kingdom
Meaningful/productive kingdom titles. The current ones achieve basically nothing
There is no breakdown of any kind to see who is contributing to the health of the Bazaar deals (ideally this would become a moot point if bazaar deals were designed in a fair way)
Options available for automatic demotion and/or kicking for inactivity
Some kind of way to take ownership of a kingdom where the leader has abandoned the game
A way for kingdom leaders to distribute resources to their fellow players
A collective kingdom bank to pool resources
A larger chat log for kingdom chat
Kingdom vs Kingdom PVP of some sort
Other requests: You know what would be cool and awesome to have?
A button that shows up in your kingdom chat, when a fellow kingdom member creates a group. This would facilitate much faster way to play together.
Please leave your own ideas for the upcoming 0.40 patch