Why do the Developers hate Highly Active Kingdoms at Maximum Capacity?

Shortly after this post, we made a decision at Throne of Odin to deal with this issue by splitting the kingdom in two:

Although it was a drastic step, I felt it was necessary so that our players weren’t penalized daily by the existing poor kingdom design. Keys are essentially pointless except to the newest players playing high daily hours, so the fact that the primary kingdom benefit lost in this decision is keys made it an easier choice. I am proud of our long-standing success as a kingdom so I hate that we will take a hit in total historical Kingdom Crests earned, but right now imo this is honestly the best result for all players involved.

Perhaps if kingdoms every get reworked (bear in mind that even if something happens in 0.39, it will have been 9 months since kingdoms have been touched at all by the developer), we can remerge and continue on.